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I bet you £100 no-one promoting IWD 2016 will honour this illegal immigrant uber-achiever on International Women's Day

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 8 March 2016

What is there that the mad lefties who run the Guardian, the BBC, Channel 4 News and all the State supported quangos celebrating IWD 2016, could not see in a woman who was an illegal immigrant ( overstaying a visitor's visa), an ethnic minority (Jewish), an atheist and whose writings are so influential that she is seen as the driving force of a major school of thought?

Surely on International Women's Day we should be holding a woman - whose family were persecuted when she was just 12, losing their homes and facing starvation - and who herself was booted out of University for not adhering to the line of an oppressive regime, up as a role model for our daughters? This woman achieved so much despite all the odds being stacked against her.

So as we celebrate Great Women today why won't the lefties tell our daughters about Ayn Rand? 

Er.. perhaps it is because she opted to flee the Soviet Union, the society that persecuted her, and to find freedom in the USA. Rand lived the America Dream, something that lefties just do not believe in although wave after wave of immigrant has found it to be very real.

Rand's influence is on libertarianism, a belief set not based on quotas or on the State tinkering with society but on freedom, on the idea that, unshackled, the individual can achieve anything however much the odds are stacked against them. As they were for Ayn Rand herself.

So anyone want to take my bet?

With hindsight Ayn Rand should be added to the earlier article on 5 photos of women over achievers to annoy feminists on International Women's Day HERE

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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