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David Cameron & the EU will you stop your new Turkish pals from gay bashing poor Sir Elton John?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 22 March 2016

As we prepare to hand over 6 billion Euro to Turkey and to give 75 million Turks free travel across Europe it seems that nothing that the country's fascist President Erdogan does can raise any objection from the EU or from David Cameron.

Close down hostile newspapers and TV stations: no problem. Arrest 2000 folks for disagreeing with the President: no problem. Use water cannon on Kurds holding a New Year celebration: go ahead. Brand journalists as terrorists: whatever you want Mr Erdogan, just help us with our unworkable solution to the refugee crisis. But do Mr Cameron and the EU really support the gay bashing of poor Sir Elton.

It seems that the newspaper Zaman was to lead with an article about a photo exhibition about Sir Elton. But now that it is under Erdogan control Zaman was forced to drop the story because Sir Elton is openly gay and Call Me Dave's fascist friend does not approve of that sort of thing. Instead it ran a story on Taylor Swift who is not gay but is also not very interesting and had no photo exhibition to discuss.

Perhaps as he prepares to write his share of that 6 billion euro cheque Mr Cameron would care to explain his tacit support for yet another indefensible action of the Erdogan regime?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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