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Stephen Kinnock, tax dodging hereditary member of elite with the weeks's stupidest Brexit lie

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Stephen Kinnock has never really had a proper job outside the political world apart from a few months with the British Council. Daddy led the Labour Party to defeat then became a European Commissioner. Mummy was an MEP. His Mrs was PM of Denmark stating that her whole family lived in high tax socialist Denmark. Only that Stephen actually paid (very low) taxes in Switzerland where he worked. The establishment investigated and the establishment said that its own had done nothing wrong. Jolly good show.

Boris Johnson said that Obama - who wants the UK to stay in the EU - would never consent to the US suffering the intrusions on its sovereignty that Britain suffers from being in the EU. Young Kinnock responded "The last time I looked the US was in NATO and in the WTO, if one NATO member is attacked all must rush to its defence, I can think of no greater intrusion of sovereignty."

Mr Kinnock, I sense, just cannot think. NATO has no right to impose laws on the US, to determine its border controls and neither does the WTO. A common defence pact is not the same as being part of a superstate.

Boris is correct. If we suggested that the US had to open up its borders with Mexico or that 55% of US laws would be imposed on it by a Council of all the Americas Obama would go mental. Yet President hopey change thinks we in Britain have to accept just that.

As for Kinnock, it would be harsh to accuse him of lying as part of Project Fear, he is just plain thick to make that assertion since it is palpable nonsense.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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