Belatedly Rivington Street (PLUS: RIVP) admits that it cocked up on Tuesday’s announcement when it claimed that I no longer had a shareholding in the company. But it does so in a grudging manner with language that sucks, implying that perhaps I do not disclose things fully.
Grudgingly, in a statement headlined “Holding in Company” it states:
Further to the announcement dated 9 October 2012, the Company believes that Mr Winnifrith still owns 3,566,317 shares in RSH in his own name representing 8.11% of the issued share capital.
Nope. Try again fellows. Rivington was informed weeks ago as to my correct percentage. It is not me that is tardy or inaccurate with my reporting. I think this RNS should have been headlined “Correction” as in “we, RSH, goofed.”
And it does not “believe” that I own 3,566,317 shares. It “knows.” It is a statement of fact. It can see the frigging share register. It knows that I report to it every trade in a very timely fashion.
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