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#CelebrityInjunction farce over Thursday morning? FFS Even my father can furnish you with details now

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 20 April 2016

Barring a successful last minute appeal by two married celebs the celebrity injunction will be lifted on Thursday morning. The celebs front up an Aids charity but do not want you to know that the younger of the two plays away from home having unprotected anal sex including in threesomes in baths filled with olive oil. The UK Courts are now minded to accept that an injunction is pointless since the latest polls suggest that 55% of folks in England & Wales can now name the celebs. This is the Streisand effect - gagging is counterproductive.

Up until ten days ago while my father, Thomas John Winnifrith, could wax eloquently on most matters of great import such as the works of Virgil, the thoughts of Socrates, the latest developments in the EU debate, the works of Charlotte Bronte or where Man United stood in the Premiership, I am pretty sure that he could not have told you anything about either of the two celebs, not why they are famous, who they are or what they do. But these days he is up to speed, indeed he knows about the olive oil too. If you ask him he would be quite capable of being able to furnish you with full details. Its not hard. Its not rocket science. You don't need to be a rocketman to work it out.

When my father knows enough about the sexual habits to these two celebs, while still not quite sure why he should care, the celebs - who have spent £500,000 plus trying to keep this thing quiet must know the game is up. In future they must accept that if they dont want their kids discovering that their old man is a safe sex hypocrite then perhaps he should take precautions like using a condom or not taking it up the jacksie from folks who are going to sell their stories to the currant bun.

Part of the money spunked by these daft celebs has been with an odious firm Web Sheriff which has sent me two fascist letters threatening me if I did not remove artoicles such as this one HERE. It has been asked repeatedly by me if it is acting for the UK Courts. It declines to answer as it is not. So actually it is not its job to enforce a silly injunction but the celebs have paid it vast sums to do that via letters that make threats it cannot actually fulfill.

Fingers crossed, the farce ends Thursday morning with the law now looking a bit less of an ass.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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