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Rah rah rah Save the NHS, we are middle class spoiled brats we really must confess

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 28 April 2016

As the greedy bastard junior doctors once again man the picket lines I suspect that wont be their chant. Instead they will change that Jeremy is a Hunt which is a pun on a rude word beginning with c and they will all giggle at that sort of joke just like the little brats used to laugh at jokes about the nasty Tories when they were at footlights college Cambridge. Meanwhile with emergency cover withdrawn patients, 79% of whom earn less than the junior doctors, will suffer and some might die.

Of course that will not bother the greedy bastards as they think about when they finish their apprenticeships and join the top 3% of earners. Buy this is not about pay, naked greed, screwing patients and threatening their lives this is all about the NHS. Mr Hunt is trying to create an NHS which saves more lives without bankrupting the nation. Meanwhile the greedy bastards are trying to ensure that a closed shop for the middle classes remains parked at gravy train central.

As you drive past a hostpital today the spoiled brats outside will suggest you honk your horn in support. I suggest you wind down your window and shout out "you spoiled pampered greedy brats get back to work before someone dies."

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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