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Ukraine wins Eurovision, its a bit political so here's what Russia should enter next year

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 15 May 2016

As Ben Elton would say, " a bit political, a bit political." Isn't it sweet the people of Europe sending a message that we don't like Russia and that the Ukranians are all really nice folk? How right the EU was to meddle and ensure that the democratically elected rulers were replaced by a bunch of ultra nationalists supported by, inter alia, large numbers of Jew hating Nazis, which as their first act made Russian speakers second class citizens, thereby provoking an inevitable civil war. Oh, sorry we are not meant to mention the second bit are we. That is the inconvenient truth the twits who rave about last night's Eurovision campfest gloss over.

So I have a song for Russia to enter next year just to put the record straight
In the Ramones classic Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World, simply replace the words The Fatherland with Ukraine 41 and German with Kiev. Obviously this is a song about how vast numbers of Ukranians were keen and willing members of the Wehrmacht in 1941 not only fighting the Russians but also assisting in the holocaust.

If you want to think that it refers to the way that the new regime started by banning Russian as an official language within its first 24 hours, to the parades by Hitler loving loons in the streets of Kiev, etc then that is your call.

Today your love, Tomorrow the World has a real Eurovision ring to it don't you think?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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