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Daily Mail: These Pakis called Khan all look the same to us - boy she's got nice tits (circulation up!)

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 18 May 2016

If only to please my Daily Mail loathing lefty Mrs, I bring you an example of some rather sloppy subbing at the Mail which allows us all a cheap joke at its expense. The story is about how the Labour candidate in the forthcoming Tooting by-election used to model swimwear and this gives the loathsome rag the chance to print a picture to cause cardiacs among retired Colonels in Tonbridge and boost circulation. It is a total non story but according to the Mail the candidate, Rosena Allin-Khan is married and has a picture of her with her husband below. Er...

Ms Allin-Khan may well be married to a Sadiq Khan but not that one. That Sadiq Khan (pictured right) is the former MP for Tooting and now Mayor of London. But I guess Daily Mail readers reckon all these Paki Sadiq Khan's look the same don't they?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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