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Dodgy Dave Cameron - when were you going to tell us about the extra £2 billion EU bill? Post Brexit?

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 6 June 2016

To be fair to David Cameron he does not need to open his mouth to tell an actual lie in order to mislead the British people about Brexit. Sometimes his silence is equally deceptive.

It appears that the EU has overspent its budget by circa £20 billion and that member states will be asked - once again - for bonus contributions to fill the black hole. But in order to assist Dodgy Dave who is trying to tell the British people that we are "better off in" it has been agreed that the invoices will not be announced or sent until after June 23rd. How convenient.

No doubt lyin' Dave will now pipe up that he is going to stamp his patrician feet and won't be paying. Yup. The last time the UK got stung with a little bonus bill like this was in 2014 and the sum involved was £1.4 billion. Sure enough, lyin' Dave Cameron stamped his patrician feet, flew off to Brussels to tell his pals that he was not paying. And then when the fuss had died down he paid every last cent.

And we will end up paying every cent this time because that is how the EU works. Its unelected officials, men such as Neil Kinnock rejected by their own voters but now empowered to run our lives from overseas, overspend year in and year out. Then they tell member states to pick up the tab. And since the UK is economically successful we pick up a large slug of the tab and there is nothing we can do to avoid this other than leave the EU.

As it happens the £2 billion might be an under-estimate. It seems that Greece is going bust again as is Spain. That is part of the pleasure of being in the Euro, a currency so many of those in the Remain camp told us we had to join to avoid disaster. If Europe has to bail out our friends in Southern Europe it will not just be Euro currency users that pay but all EU members. Better get the UK's cheque book ready once again Dodgy, you'll be needing it after June 23rd big time.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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