My daughter calls to wish me a happy father's day. Sadly she has not been tracking my whereabouts and so this serves as a just past midnight wake up call. It is not as if I can sleep anyway. The fan is broken and the heat inside the Greek Hovel is unbearable. I dare not open a window for fear of what might come and join me, although the night air is cool.
Now and again I venture onto the small balcony outside my prison cell which looks over the valley towards the deserted monastery. I stand there in just my underpants for there are no humans anywhere and it is refreshing. I return inside, seal the door and within minutes sweat is again pouring down my arms and off my face. I suppose it must be good for the figure.
Unable to sleep, I play the one game that sits on my battered old Nokia phone, the sort of old handset that causes my daughter to say "oh Daddy" as if I have committed some appalling faux pas. Now you may think that it is strange, given how my life out here is driven by a fear of snakes, but the game is called Snake Xenzia and I have just recorded a score of 1,524 which is a new personal best. So there.
You may well say that this is ten minutes of my life wasted. I agree completely. But pro tem sleep is just impossible and I cant spend the whole night watching old Def Leppard videos on youtube. Something which, in itself, is not the most productive way to spend my time