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Benn sacked, Alexander quits #KeepCorbyn failing - who is most out of touch?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 26 June 2016

Oh dear. Hilary Benn was sacked by Comrade Corbyn for plotting against him last night. Now shadow Health Secretary Heidi Alexander ( who?) has quit. It seems more shadow ministers will follow and they all want Corbyn out - what don't these folks get about democracy?

Loyal members across the land, and a few folk like me who just wanted to show fraternal solidarity with Jezza, elected the bearded loon last year. Okay Labour backed the losing ticket in the referendum but those wanting to oust Comrade Corbyn were the real Euro loons who forced the Eurosceptic leader to jump onto a sinking ship.

It is the ousters who were enthusiastic supporters of the evil Blairite regime that really pissed off Labour's core supporters as they boasted of ramping up immigration and started illegal wars. It was the evil Blairites & Brownites who today plot who in 2008 responded to the financial crisis by creating asset inflation which benefits the rich, Londoners, the geared up, the banksters but does nothing but impoverish the renter, the working class, the asset poor, those in the North.

Comrade Corbyn may not have the answers but those who are trying to sack him are those who caused the schism between a metropolitan elite run Labour party and its traditional voters. And they just do not get it.

They say no-one wins in civil wars. In this one there will be winners. UKIP, the Lib Dems and the Tories. Now as we wait to see which shadow minister is quitting next, let the pantomime continue.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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