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Russell Square: Where are the mentally ill Jews & Hindus engaging in mass murder across Europe?

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 4 August 2016

I rather guessed that the Russell Square murderer was not going to be Jewish or an Armish farmer. The Police knew his name from the same time that they knew he may have had mental health issues but released only the latter fact as I noted HERE.

Now almost 12 hours after we were told that the 19 year old assailant had mental health issues we are told he is a Norwegian. Think Breivik the crazed right wing extremist, think blond vikings, think sexy blond nurses, think the pop group Aha. No..think again he is a Somalian born Norwegian and yes, he does indeed follow the religion of peace.

Only slowly have the politically correct rozzers had the truth dragged out of them and even now the liberal media are hitting certain words hard: Mental health. Norwegian. Loner.

But the general population is starting to smell a rat here. How come Jewish folk, Sikhs, Hindus or even Christians with mental health issues have not gone on the rampage undertaking multi person attacks across Europe this year. How come only Muslims seem to react to mental health issues in this way? Well it is not because these folk are Muslim that they act in this way, being both mad and bad. But they are all Moslems.

Two weeks ago I was challenging the BBC and the other liberal media great and the good to stop regarding the statement below as a fact not a racist remark. Still they ignore this truism.

"Nearly all Moslems abhor acts of terror in Europe today. But nearly all acts of terror in Europe today are carried out by Moslems"

In the real world folks are openly mocking the idea that we can ignore the common thread of the summer of hate in Europe and the US. The common thread is not mental health issues as the Rozzers, the media and the political elite keep telling us. It is that the killers are Moslems. When the elite start to accept that fact and state that fact publicly, we the great unwashed will start to view them with less open contempt. Pro tem the elite remain in denial.

Now then Theresa May repeat after me..

"This is not about mental illness..Nearly all Moslems abhor acts of terror in Europe today. Moslems are affected by mental illness in the same way as those of other faiths. We are all human beings together. However nearly all acts of terror in Europe today are carried out by Moslems."

Come on Mrs May that remark is not racist it is just a bloody fact and why can't you and your patronising colleagues, who always know better than we the people, just accept that?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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