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Russell Square - the BBC still evades the point & so becomes ever less trusted

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 6 August 2016

Out in the real world evidence has emerged showing that the Russell Square killer had been reading books supporting islamic extremism in recent months. The BBC is still buying the line from the Old Bill, calling this a killing by someone with mental health issues and referring to him as a Norwegian born in Somalia. Actually it is worse than that.

In yesterday's coverage it mentioned the killer only en passant at the end. The rest of its report was filled with details about the victims. Whatever. Out there in the real world folks ask two questions.

1. If this chappie was a Norwegian born Somali with mental health issues what on earth was he doing living in Britain. Norway is not in the EU. Norway is not a repressive evil regime, it is uber tolerant and liberal and the country is rich. So this poor chap was clearly not facing persecution there or economic hardship. Is the UK meant to offer sanctuary to folks who have mental health issues but no right whatsoever to be in the UK? Why? Since when did we become a free to enter asylum for the insane of the world?

2. Okay the guy had mental health issues just as, we are told, did the chaps in Nice, Ansbach, on the train in Germany, etc. They also had another thing in common: they were all reading up on islamic extremism and/or watching Islamofacist videos. Some had been in contact with ISIS. All were Moslems. Nearly all Moslems abhor attempts at mass murder of random strangers in Europe. Nearly all attempts at mass murder of random strangers in Europe are carried out by Moslems. Everyone else in the country is discussing the statement above and its implications, why won't the BBC and liberal media?

By failing to answer or address these two questions, the folks at Pravda Broadcasting might think they are fighting a good fight for liberal values. Free speech and open debate, not being liberal values for lefties in 2016.

In reality they are dodging awkward questions in a way that we who pay their bloated salaries via the license fee poll tax can see through very easily. We will ask those questions anyway and draw our own conclusions. But we will draw another conclusion too: the BBC is simply not fit for purpose and cannot be trusted at all.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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