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Ofsted boss David Hoare persecuted for telling hard facts about inbred chavs on the Isle of Wight

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 6 August 2016

It is rather like the annual ritual humiliation we see each Christmas when some poor sod of a Vicar mistakenly tells the little kiddies that Santa Claus does not exist. "How dare he?" scream a feral pack of dimwitted local residents and some publicity hungry, self important, local politicians on the make and the poor chap is forced to apologise as he tries to keep his job. And so today's victim who dared to tell the truth is David Hoare the head of Ofsted.

Noting hard data, that is to say facts, about the social conditions of the lower social classes on the Isle of White, Hoare stated that:

"it is shocking. It’s a ghetto; there has been inbreeding. There is a mass of crime, drug problems, huge unemployment". The Isle of Wight is the second worst local authority when it comes to secondary education and the third worst when it comes to primary education. Data, facts, you understand?

Isle of Wight Council leader, some self important twit called Jonathan Bacon said that Mr Hoare’s comments were an "insult to the proud and hardworking community. They are ridiculous and disclose a complete lack of knowledge of the Isle of Wight and its education system,".

Au contraire Mr Bacon it is you who is telling porkies. Mr Hoare merely states facts about educational achievement orf rather lack of it. It is not surprising that there is a spot of inbreeding on an island, it is just the way life is. And so the inbred chavs fail at school and do a bit of crime to make ends meet. The data backs up the crime claim too.

In short Mr Hoare is bang on the money. Mr Bacon is just seeking cheap votes from the web-fingered dimwits on his island.

The obvious answer is to try to encourage a bit of gene diversity working with other islands suffering similar problems. Maybe some Isle of Wight teenage girls could be encouraged to head off to the Isle of Man to meet local males and vice versa so helping both islands. Within a few generations almost no-one would have furry hands on either islands and the average IQ would be back above 80.

But before the Isle of White chavs find a solution to their issues they need to accept that there is a problem. Howling down poor Mr Hoare for daring to tell the truth is not a good start.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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