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David Belle of TradingView Inc you are a cocksucker

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 14 September 2016

Would I like to work for free asks a wanker who cannot be arsed to do his research properly via LinkedIn. No thank you David Belle you are a cocksucker. Our exchange follows.

Afternoon, Tom I am the Regional Manager for TradingView Inc. We are an online charting community with over 1 million active users monthly. The CME,, Zacks, Investopedia are just some of the 15k websites that use our charting package. We have just launched a new UK site and are looking for bona fide contributors to upload their market ideas and especially analysis on AIM shares and UK assets in general. It would be fantastic if you could be a contributor or have indeed have Share Prophets itself as a contributor. As we have 100% of the demographic that you are looking for, in that almost every user is an active trader or investor, it could also act as free advertising. We would gladly provide you with our Pro Plus account for free in return for your efforts. Please do let me know your thoughts. My Skype name is davidbelle53, or alternatively, my mobile number is 0750 8794 024. Regards, David.
1:40 PM

At 2:01 PM, tom winnifrith said the following: David, I have been a journalist for 25 years. Folks pay for my work. If you want amateurs who will work for free ask an amateur

At 2:17 PM, David Belle said the following:My apologies, I thought you were a trader/analyst. Sorry to bother you.

At 3:12 PM, tom winnifrith said the following:a) well you should do your research and b) I was working as an analyst in the City's No 1 rated Excel team when you were in nappies ( ie 1991). but why would anyone who is good enough to earn a living want to write for free? Especially for an ignorant cocksucker like you?

If anyone who is sufficiently devoid of talent to be happy to work for free for a total cocksucker, is reading this, you know where to go. Just call David now.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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