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Lardbucket slut on welfare Emma Lawlor wants more of your cash - the left says its another one-off

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 18 September 2016

Emma Lawlor is a 27 year old lardbucket from Wolverhampton who has five kids by two absentee and unsupportive fathers and has never worked in her life. She trousers £19,000 tax free in benefits a year , plus free housing one assumes, and that allows her to spend £100 a month on takeaways and £20 a month on cigarettes. and now she wants more...

Emma, a women who has obviously been troughing it at the food bank, reckons that she is "entitled" to every penny she gets and that she should in fact get even more as she "cannot afford school uniforms" for her brats. It is hard to know where to start with this vignette of life in Britain today. But for my wife and others on the liberal left it is easy: "The Daily Mail ran a story about this so it is probably not true and even if it is true it is a one off, a fluke."

Yes. The Mail picked up on Emma but sadly she appeared on C5 in a documentary first and the numbers are straight from the mouth of this lardbucket on benefits. So yet again the facts are true, despite appearing in the Daily Mail. And since these tales crop up on a weekly basis how often do the "one-offs" need to appear before the left accepts that they are not one offs, the UK welfare system is just bust.

It is bust in that folks regard being supported as a non worker having as many kids as they want as an entitlement, a human right although they themselves have never earned a cent or so paid a cent into the system, other than by recycling a portion of their benefits via VAT. It is bust in that this woman could easily afford a few second hand school uniforms without having to cut back that much on her cigarettes and junk food and, no doubt SkyTV, alcohol and lottery tickets as well. Instead a woman whose physical appearance indicates that she has lost any sense of self respect, just expects other folks to work harder so that she does not need to make any sacrifice at all.

Welfare should not allow for any luxuries it should be a safety net not an alternative lifestyle. And the Welfare State is bust since the current system funds sluts, both men and women, who will not face up to the consequences of their actions to breed without care or restraint, knowing that others will pick up the tab. These people simply bring more children into a dependency culture, a world based on a belief in rights not responsibilities, a life of welfare addiction.

I pity women like Emma Lawlor. In a way she disgusts me in that I and thirty million other Brits have to work hard to fund her appalling lifestyle. But this lifestyle is only possible because the liberal establishment, including most of the Conservative Party, is in denial. It fails to accept that the welfare state is fundamentally broken. The liberal left wants to talk about austerity rather than face the appalling reality that is people such as the lardbucket welfare slut Emma Lawlor.

There is another part of broken welfare Britain from the other end of the social spectrum I look at HERE, please don't think my scorn is reserved for the poor welfare addicts.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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