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Tories4Corbyn - Comrades our work is done, it's time to withdraw our financial support

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 25 September 2016

Like many others I did my bit for Britain by joining the Labour party eighteen months ago. Loyally, I have paid up by monthly standing order to ensure that Comrade Corbyn was elected as party leader and has also seen off a challenge from that little Welsh worm whose name I have forgotten already. I am confident that the Blairite Kulaks who attempted to betray the Dear Leader will now be purged from the party and thus the position of the bearded Marxist lunatic is truly secure.

Jeremy Corbyn can now lead the march towards Labour's true destiny in 2020, electoral oblivion. And I am proud that have done my little bit to help.

The Blairite Kulaks and, indeed, anyone with any sense whatsoever are now in full retreat. I might hope that I could help vote to deselect our local Labour MP, Kerry McCarthy who is fairly mad but not stark raving Momentum bonkers, but she does seem to be safe from the great purges which lie ahead. Kerry has already stated that she will lose her Bristol East seat to the Tories in 2020 if Corbyn stays as leader so it will be fun to just sit back and watch that happen. The woman who thinks that meat eaters should be stigmatised like smokers has just four more years before she will have to get a real job.

As such there is no need for me to give any more of my hard earned cash to the People's Party and I have cancelled my direct debit. I shall vaguely miss some of the 100% crackers emails that I receive from my local party, from Kerry and and from the National Party. But I really can't justifying giving any further financial assistance to the People's Party. So that's it.

I would like to think that I've done my bit for the cause but I sense that it is time that those of us in this wing of the party, that is to say Tories4Corbyn, move along. Labour does not need us any more, it really is in "safe hands" now.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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