I managed to tolerate her reading inane women's magazines but this really is a step too far. There was I, having done the weekly shop and cooked a full supper after a hard day's work , happily watching Newsnight. The BBC's finest metropolitan liberals had just explained to me how Brexit had ruined the economy anf how Russia was trying to help Donald Trump win the election by cheating, when the Mrs switched channel to the Graham Norton Show.
Three actors pushing their new crap films, a comedian with a ghastyly scouse accent plugging his next tour and another pushing her new book. All are asked soft questions by camp Irish pixie Mr Norton. A fawning audience laugh at ever inane comment made by the celebs or Norton. The female comedian tells a joke about a gardener offering to trim her bush. Ooooh er what a clever sexual double entrendre. How everyone laughed.
It is true Soma for the masses. And the Mrs is lapping it up. I am dying for the baby to wake and up and scream for a nappy change. "I'll do it, please, anothing but this TV torture".
What do you think? Is forcing me to watch the Graham Norton Show reasonable grounds for divorce?