91 days ago

BREAKING: Roquefort Therapeutics – after the Ashington blow up is this crock technically insolvent yet?

I have warned before that Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ) is a Standard listed crock of shite that will end in tears for shareholders. I now ask the question of whether it is already technically insolvent? That matters given the stink around Ashington Innovation (ASHI).


123 days ago

VINDICATED AGAIN: Ashington Innovation – RTO with the two crocks run by struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald OFF

Our coverage of this worthless POS company attracted a threat of legal action. And thus I shed no tears for today’s humiliation for Ashington Innovation (ASHI). Who could have thought that this SPAC listed by Jason Smart, a man with curious links to penny share criminals as exposed HERE, would end in tears. Smart had tried to reverse in two worthless businesses, exposed HERE, run by struck off Dentist Ajan Rejinald for £170 million but now that deal is off. Natch Smart dissembles as a cash crisis looms.


311 days ago

Ashington Innovation – so who fired who?

This is like the schoolyard when you were thirteen. Did you ditch that girl or did she ditch you? Or was it a bit of both? Ashington Innovation (ASHI) – the SPAC run by wanted man Dan Ferris associate Jason Smart – says that it has fired its broker SI Capital. However, last week I reported that SI had quit. The mystery deepens.


312 days ago

Ashington Innovations: Jason Drummond, a Police arrest and an article withdrawn

The individual who threatened me on my wedding anniversary as I discussed HERE was Jason Drummond, one of the co-founders of Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and as a result, I withdraw a recent article as Drummond insisted that the Police would take a very dim view of my journalism. Friday was not a day to give battle. Let me now add more colour to this episode including, what appears to me to be, a very misguided arrest by the Old Bill.


312 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who would threaten me on my 10th wedding anniversary?

I start with that before going to Ashington Innovations (ASHI), Tingo (TIO) and Verditek (VDTK). A few big exposes on the way tomorrow, until then. 


312 days ago

BREAKING: SI Capital quits as broker to Ashington over £170m con deals with struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald

Oh dear, oh dear, it gets worse and worse for Jason Smart’s Standard listed POS Ashington Innovations (ASHI). I can reveal today that SI Capital has stepped down as broker following exposes on this website such as THIS and is stating quite categorically that it wants no involvement in this mess. To quote:


312 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 10 years of servitude is tomorrow

Of course I mean utter domestic bliss. But I may not be writing that much on Friday. In today’s podcast I discuss why PensionBee (PBEE) is a short, Tingo (TIO) and its Q2 numbers, Cellular Goods (CBX), Union Jack Oil (UJO) and also Ashington (ASHI), Roquefort (ROQ) and the FCA.


320 days ago

BREAKING: Ashington Innovations - the curious links to alleged and actual criminals of its founders

I have already demonstrated beyond all doubt that the two proposed purchases of Ashington Innovations (ASHI) for £170 million are both insolvent and mired in red flags linked to the struck off dentist and scammer Ajan Rejinald. But what of the two men behind Ashington, Jason Drummond and Jason Smart. Read on and weep.


320 days ago

Concerns regarding Roquefort Therapeutics and Ashington Innovations, Patricia Murray writes to the FCA

Patricia Murray of Liverpool has written to the FCA over both Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ). How a serious regulator can ignore what follows defies belief. Both companies are clearly utterly uninvestable. Ms Murray writes: 


331 days ago

Trying to help the FCA on Ashington Innovations – but will it still waive this £170m scam through?

For me this really is an acid test of the FCA’s suitability to approve Standard List prospectuses. You may remember that it waived through that of Umuthi Healthcare (UHS) prepared by a convicted fraudster. It also waived through the bogus Supply@ME Capital prospectus which overstated net assets by 99%. And this week there was Regtech Open (RTOP) with a non IFRS compliant balance sheet so materially overstating net assets, the dirty dozen investors and more. But Ashington Innovations (ASHI) will take the biscuit if the FCA approves the RTO prospectus. Emails were exchanged yesterday.


340 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has WH Ireland dumped its Alien Metals shares and if not why not?

I start with apologies and explanations on 2 Bearcasts appearing later than they should. Then onto Alien Metals (UFO), WH Ireland (WHI), Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and another bombshell due this weekend, BlueJay Mining (JAY) and finally Eurasia Mining (EUA) and Jubilee Metals (JLP)


340 days ago

BREAKING: c/o Winnileaks - How Jason Drummond tried to stop folks knowing about Shareprophets exposes!

As my investigations into Ashington Innovations (ASHI) intensify, more and more folks are coming forward. I have an absolute bombshell this weekend which, surely, even the FCA must act upon. Today a source has contacted me via Winnileaks to say how Ashington co-founder Jason Drummond used to publicly say how much he hated our numerous exposes of his antics here on ShareProphets. As you can see below, Drummond was desperate to hide the dirty washing we exposed.


340 days ago

BREAKING: MORE SCANDAL VICAR, Ashington Innovations – this gets worse and worse

I have already clearly demonstrated that the proposed £135 million RTO of technically insolvent Cell Therapy (aka Celixir) by Ashington Innovations (ASHI) is a complete rum and coke HERE. I have been discussing that with the FCA today. If it approves the prospectus it will be one of its biggest blunders in years. But now it gets worse.


358 days ago

Ashington Innovations – and they say Germans don’t have a sense of humour

Ashington Innovations (ASHI) shares are suspended on the Standard List pending the proposed £135 million RTO of a company that is insolvent and mired in wrong-doing. The middle name of its sole director, the struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald is “scandal”. If the FCA allows this deal masterminded by, clearly morally bankrupt, SI Capital to go through it will be a massive stain on its reputation. However…


359 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: injecting allogeneic immunomodulatory progenitor cells into the myocardium of patients who were having coronary by-pass grafting.

I start with a travel tale that has my good pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price at last seeing a benefit of Brexit. Then a schoolboy error from me today. How many folks put 2+2 together to make 25 re trades in Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) today. I chat with Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix ( OPTI). I have some light reading for the FCA, SI Capital and Ashington Innovations (ASHI) HERE which should sink its planned RTO. Finally, there are now just 9 tickets left for ShareStock on 23 September and you can book them HERE


359 days ago

Letter to the FCA: Ashington Innovations – you MUST stop this RTO, unless you are admitting you are a joke

Yesterday I revealed that the proposed RTO of Cell Therapy into Ashington Innovations (ASHI) with a £135 million valuation was a total joke. Cell will be insolvent even if it raises £3 million in the RTO, its sole director is a struck off dentist and it is mired in scandal. I have written to broker SI Capital urging it to walk away but clearly its desire for coke and hookers money counts more than its reputation. So now to the FCA which can and should stop this bezzle.


359 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshua in the room otherwise Catriona & Matthew's Dog would love my words on EasyJet

Joshua is here as I record from Athens which tempers my language. I discuss our travel experience and then it is onto tern (TERN), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and the scandal at Ashington innovations (ASHI), where the FCA must surely wade in. Finally I apologise on behalf of Darren, the latest video is working now HERE


360 days ago

BREAKING Ashington Innovation: the struck off dentist and a £135m RTO of a company that is bust - surely the FCA cannot allow this joke to go through

A day after Jason Drummond quit standard listed Ashington Innovations (ASHI), its shares have been suspended on the Standard List for an RTO which, even the FCA must surely block. The struck off dentist, the history of bogus deals and a valuation of £135 million for a company late with its filings and technically insolvent is surely just too much for the FCA to allow. I have already contacted a responsible fellow at broker SI to suggest that its rogue employee Jon Levinson who is masterminding a raise here has gone too far. The FCA is next up, when I get to the Greek Hovel and can work with a clear mind.


360 days ago

Ashington Innovations – Jason Drummond taking the piss

Ashington Innovations (ASHI) managed to float on the sub Standard List just over two months ago on the anniversary of D day. It says that it is a SPAC looking to do a deal in technology. The prospectus is a shocker.
