Ajan Rejinald

123 days ago

VINDICATED AGAIN: Ashington Innovation – RTO with the two crocks run by struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald OFF

Our coverage of this worthless POS company attracted a threat of legal action. And thus I shed no tears for today’s humiliation for Ashington Innovation (ASHI). Who could have thought that this SPAC listed by Jason Smart, a man with curious links to penny share criminals as exposed HERE, would end in tears. Smart had tried to reverse in two worthless businesses, exposed HERE, run by struck off Dentist Ajan Rejinald for £170 million but now that deal is off. Natch Smart dissembles as a cash crisis looms.


320 days ago

BREAKING: Ashington Innovations - the curious links to alleged and actual criminals of its founders

I have already demonstrated beyond all doubt that the two proposed purchases of Ashington Innovations (ASHI) for £170 million are both insolvent and mired in red flags linked to the struck off dentist and scammer Ajan Rejinald. But what of the two men behind Ashington, Jason Drummond and Jason Smart. Read on and weep.


358 days ago

Ashington Innovations – and they say Germans don’t have a sense of humour

Ashington Innovations (ASHI) shares are suspended on the Standard List pending the proposed £135 million RTO of a company that is insolvent and mired in wrong-doing. The middle name of its sole director, the struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald is “scandal”. If the FCA allows this deal masterminded by, clearly morally bankrupt, SI Capital to go through it will be a massive stain on its reputation. However…
