Aquis Regulation

156 days ago

Letter to Aquis Regulation: Andrew Monk and VSA

It really is a disgrace that an Aquis listed adviser to Aquis companies can put out a results statement which breaks a basic accounting rule and not issue a correction. Yet that is exactly what Andrew Monk and VSA Capital (VSA) has done. Perhaps he thinks that rules don’t apply to gentlemen such as himself by dint of his education at Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the regulator


534 days ago

BREAKING: The £216.8m Lush scandal: Silverwood Brands – advised by Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital: has it twice breached the Companies Act

The FCA and Aquis Regulation are already investigating this scandal and so, with a hat Tip to in-house BB genius PL, I post the question as to whether on two counts, VSA Capital’s (VSA) star client Silverwood Brands (SLWD) has twice breached the Companies Act. If it has, surely VSA’s CEO Andrew “have I mentioned that I went to Oriel College Oxford, Monk needs to issue a profits warning.


540 days ago

Letter to Aquis Regulation re Andrew Monk and VSA Capital – misleading trading statement?

Not only does Andrew Monk and VSA Capital list shitcos on the Aquis Lobster Pot but VSA itself is listed on Aquis too. It listed at 21p on 9 September 2021. Its shares are 49% down so far this year and can now be sold for just 10p. But has the Monkey legged over investors with a misleading trading statement. I think the graduate of Oriel College Oxford (has he told us about his posh education yet today?) has and have written to Aquis Regulation suggesting it force VSA to clarify.


689 days ago

UPDATED: Aquis Regulation forces Richard Poulden's disgraced Valereum to ‘fess about advisor resignation

On 14 October Richard Poulden’s Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) the cash guzzling POS ramped by David Lenigas announced that it had switched Aquis adviser from Peterhouse (credible) to First Sentinel (er…). Poulden presented this as a triumph tweeting, disingenuously,:


697 days ago

Letter to Aquis Regulation – Valereum is ‘avin’ a Turkish at your expense

I have written to Aquis Regulation, ccing in the Financial Reporting Council, if Aquis needs some help with basic accountancy, on the subject of interims from Richard Poulden’s Valereum Blockchain (VLRM). These numbers need to be restated with Poulden deserving a public slap on the wrists


742 days ago

GOTCHA: Love Hemp fined £70,000 for lying to investors but it dupes the dopes at Aquis Regulation who rewrite history

I suppose this is another Gotcha for me in that I repeatedly pushed Aquis to act. But what we see today is a partial cover up, a rewriting of history to protect the chairman, disgraced Graham Mullis.


753 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When it comes to customer service the French can be such xxxxx

I start with my troubles in travelling and also with a guest at the Greek Hovel changing all the locks. Suffice to say I am in a bad mood as I head back to Wales. Then it is onto Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) where – goaded by a trolling and abusive shareholder – I remind you why the shares will be sub 10p by Christmas and could well then head rapidly towards zero. Then back to Zak Mir and Lift Ventures (LFT), where I serve up a scenario where the initial Miriad deal was illegal and the cover-up needs exposing, something Aquis Regulation could do at ease. Of course if the NEDS and adviser Optiva are smart and, if my theory is correct, they will resign and whistleblow now as IF the initial deal was illegal and that is now being covered up they do not want to be implicated if things get messy.


855 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - okay here is why Avacta and Vast are BOTH still joke valuations & why I should not sack myself

In today’s podcast I forgot to thank those who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks over the weekend. I thank you now. But c98% of listeners have yet to donate. I am sure you can manage a fiver or a tenner please do give now HERE. Then I answer a call to sack me for a Staceyesque “crime” and discuss Jubilee Metals (JLP),Yooma (YOOM), Love Hemp (LIFE) and the utter cretins at Aquis Regulation, Vast Resources (VAST) and Avacta (AVCT).
