Chris Packham

9 hours ago

Florida Hurricane meets global warming nutters and dumb journalists at the Daily Mail

My thoughts are naturally with those like the sister in law of my colleague Darren sitting in the path of the massive storm about to hit Florida. We will, as a family, pray for them tonight. The liberal media and the usual suspects such as Chris Packham, David Attenborough and, when not cheering for Hamas, the Doom Goblin Greta Al Thunberg, naturally see this storm as a sign of global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days. And thus it is described as “unprecedented”. But…


30 days ago

Revisiting water levels at Lake Vyrnwy: an inconvenient truth for the global warming cultists

You may remember that I have been somewhat obsessed and have covered water level at Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, many times since it became a posterboy for the global warming cultists back in 2022 .
