3407 days ago
I am bored by removing the fake twitter followers some twat gifted to my account. 2000 have gone, 3500 to go. And so a quick update on the two great Manchester Soaps, David John Hopkins and Coronation Street - Desperate dan is in both! And then a detailed look at the dog Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and where it is now - a POS - following last week's scoop from myself.
3409 days ago
The Sefton Resources (SER) market abuser Chris Oil has given Ben Turney and ShareProphets a “final warning” that he must not ask any more questions of him or write articles about him or he and this website will be reported to the Police. Yeah right.
On Saturday Dan Levi, aka Brokerman dan, aka David John Hopkins, stated that trusted people knew about his past as an armed bank robber. Given that Mr Oil
3409 days ago
I knew about this last week, but yesterday afternoon ex Sefton (SER) boss Brokerman Dan (Dan Levi) outed himself and revealed that he had in a former life spent 16 years in high security prisons for a variety of offences some involving firearms. Essentially as a young man he was a member of drugs gangs in the slums of Manchester. He is now coming clean, I believe, because he got a call from a National Paper asking for comment about a story it was planning to run.
You might expect me to slate Dan or David John Hopkins