David lammy

170 days ago

Sheep farming not the slave trade financed the Industrial revolution!

Folks like Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, the BBC, The Guardian and all the other professional race baiters insist that slaving profits made Britain rich via the industrial revolution and thus all we white folks, including people like me with Wilberforce DNA, must pay reparations to black people even if like the ubiquitous Alex Scott they are descended from slave owners. This narrative is also taught to our kids in schools and universities. But is it correct?  A new publication out today uses what the race baiters and academia opt to ignore: FACTS.


592 days ago

Suicide, white privilege and the patriarchal hegemony – ONS data out, DO NOT discuss the facts

Were it to emerge that women were, as my mother, one great aunt and one of mum’s cousins did, far more likely to kill themselves than men, the BBC’s Women’s Hour would be all over it demanding that action be taken. Were it to emerge that black and Asian people were far more likely to kill themselves than whites, all the usual grifters would be out demanding public enquiries, Government spending and suggesting that this was a legacy of colonialism. David Lammy, Priyamvada Gopal et al would be all over the papers and outr TV screens crying and demanding action. As it happens, the ONS has published data on suicides today.


1278 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 136 – inviting your nearest and dearest to your own funeral

Under this country’s bonkers covid laws you are now allowed only 30 folks at a funeral plus the corpse even if that corpse is the husband of the Queen. It was the same rule for Phil the Greek as it was for my late father.


1341 days ago

The NHS & Telegraph think the covid vaccination programme is racist as they cannot do basic data analysis

Just wait until the professional fake news driven race baiters at the BBC, Channel 4 News and David Lammy MP get hold of this! The NHS has published data showing that almost 20% of white folks have been vaccinated the percentage of other ethnic groups is far lower. Oh no, call out the Witchfinder General of the racism industry, Mr Lammy, so that he can sniff another monstrous crime.  Of course there is a rational explanation for this which is backed up with hard data but who cares about that? This is 2021 so we must generate some more grievances and talk of inequality.


1844 days ago

Justin Trudeau squirms on brownface scandal but is he disgraced?

However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations.  There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.


1886 days ago

The battle to act like Marie Antoinette: Elton John vs Princess Meghan

I refer not to the fact that one will never be a ludicrous old Queen while the other cannot help but be one, but to the idea of rank hypocrisy and preaching to the great unwashed as to how they should behave.


2140 days ago

So Oxford University hates working class kids right? Er…

I suppose I should declare a bit of an interest in the annual ritual that is the bashing of Oxford University as an institution run by elitist snobs who hate poor people, in that my daughter Olaf spent last week in the City of my birth facing interview panels. We will find out whether she has got in on or around 9 January. But the press, this week, has been all over Oxford as it emerged that, last year, eight of our poshest fee-paying schools managed to get more folks into Oxford last year than the bottom 75% of British schools.


2189 days ago

#PeoplesVoteMarch – rampant marcher inflation and rank hypocrisy all round

Like 17.4 million other folk I put my feet up yesterday content to know that we won the #PeoplesVote on June 23 2016. But large numbers of snowflakes, Guardian readers, state sector employees, gobshite celebrities and other folks who looked like they were out on day release marched through London to tell us that we plebs had voted the wrong way on Brexit and must vote again. So how many marched?


2679 days ago

The Death of Diana & #GrenfellTower - the same "popular anger", appropriated grief, media persecution and rewriting of history

As the Queen wandered among the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy yesterday I could not help wonder at what a really very good human being she is. I write as a diehard republican but I cannot help but but admire Elizabeth Windsor. And everyone else seems to do so too. My mind then went back a couple of decades to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. How differently the Queen was viewed - for a few days at least - back then but how the mood was so similar.


2906 days ago

Brexit Threatened by Unelected Judges and out of touch MPs - bring out the piano wire

We were told that we, the people, would decide whether we stayed in the EU just as we had in 1975. The wording on the ballot was clear and we voted to leave in the largest vote ever held in this country. Today the High Court has ruled that the Government cannot trigger Article 50 and so pave the way for Brexit without a vote by MPs.

So unelected judges now pass the baton back to MP's 80% of whom voted to remain and some, such as Ken Clarke and David Lammy, say they will vote against what the people wanted. If that happens one hopes that Theresa May deselects all Tory MPs who dare to show such open contempt for democracy and calls an immediate election. She would win by a landslide.

