
20 hours ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph

I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today’s triumph where nothing stacks up.


21 hours ago

VINDICATION! GOTCHA! Dispensa auditor quits, VSA Capital quits, company to delist, FCA humiliated again

Natch, Dispensa (DISP) being bent shysters did not mention that Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, had quit but its name was NOT on today’s release and the word on the street is that VSA quit on Friday. I have reached out to the most famous son of Oriel College Oxford but he has declined to confirm. But following my shocking exposes last week HERE and, especially HERE where Carrado Coen became involved, Monkey just had no choice but well done to him anyway for biting the bullet. Gotcha!


3 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Xtract, its balance sheet is not real and it must be doing a placing soon?

In today’s podcast I discuss, at length, Dispensa (DISP) and the other three worthless companies in that stable with reference to intangible assets. I then move to Colin Bird’s Xtract Resources (XTR) which is, I reckon, running on vapours and whose balance sheet is also, almost entirely, intangibles.. Then there is Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and another RNS that stinks, Kefi (KEFI), chat to ‘arry as folks plague me and Ben’s Creek (BEN) and why it is a zero. 


5 days ago

BREAKING: Dispensa – repeated failures to impair Goodwill, a £20m deceit!

Yesterday I made a minor error with regard to the goodwill at Dispensa (DISP), the crock formerly known as Zamaz. The other accounting howlers and deceits I Identified stand. I have now looked into the goodwill in far more detail. And what emerges is a scandal of at least £20 million which I will be urging my pals at the FRC to look into at once.


5 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Anavio will not believe its luck as worthless Canadian Overseas shares zoom ahead by 117%

I start with a Cambridge University sports report and an apology to a reader who feels chastised. Then it is on to Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Regtech Open (RTOP) , Eight Capital Partners (ECP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Dispensa (DISP), Strategic Minerals (SML), DS Smith (SMDS) and Revolution Beauty (REVB)


5 days ago

BOOM! GOTCHA! Dispensa, as shares collapse: more exposes of accounting high jinks, when will the rats start to jump, 3 questions for the FRC to ponder!

My shocking expose of Dispensa (DISP), the crock formerly known as Zamaz, where I’ve been a perma bear since its September 2 2022 IPO at 11p seems to have somebody panicking. The shares have today crashed by 42% to just 0.95p. Which will be the next rat to jump as there is far worse to come. I shall kick off with a couple of questions for those such as PR goons Walbrook and VSA Capital, where I am unwitting shareholder, to consider as they ponder how much more reputational damage they can tolerate.


11 days ago

KERBOOM: Eight Capital Partners and Dispensa: back to Palermo FC, how on earth are advisors Cairn and VSA allowing this farce to continue?

In the old days, owners of a British football club had to pass a “fit and proper test”. Some right old wrong’uns passed the test including the bouncing Czech Robert Maxwell, Putin’s buddy Roman Abramovich and those dodgy geezers from Iceland who, for a while owned the mighty Hammers. In theory the same sort of principles apply to companies listing on Aquis or the Standard List regulated, no sniggering at the back, by the FCA. But do they?


70 days ago

Andrew Monk Disgrace Dispensa: will it (again) restate its interims before insolvency?

Dispensa (DISP) the Sub Standard list POS formerly known as Zamaz, a company created by Dominic White of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) infamy is in serious trouble. The only question now is when the end will come and why. This company listed at 11p, a £77million market cap in September 2022. I explicitly warned that it was a sham but the FCA knew better and allowed the listing to go ahead. The shares are now just 1.625p and my target is 0p.


103 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake correction & the WGEOMM is in touch

I start with the snake yesterday and a clarification, then it is onto Dispensa (DISP), Vast Resources (VAST), BjueJay Mining (JAY) – surely another bailout placing ahoy but at what price? – Microsaic (MSYS), Power Metal Resources (POW), Teather’s Financial and Flip Flop Ben Turney, and in real detail musicMagpie (MMAG) and why today’s statement does not address the real issue, making the shares a slam dunk sell.


104 days ago

Letter to the FCA re Dispensa on the Sub Standard List

Maybe rules apply only to little people and not to companies which retain as their adviser someone whose legendary modesty sees him mentioning almost every day that he attended Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the FCA about Sub Standard listed Dispensa (DISP), ccing in its adviser, pompous and conceited, Andrew Monk of VSA Capital.


109 days ago

GOTCHA! Dispensa – issues revised second interims but they remain non-compliant with IAS 34 requirements

On 1 December 2023 I wrote an article on Dispensa’s (DISP) interim accounts “EXPOSE: Dispensa Interims, a string of accounting howlers, the end game will be 0pGOTCHA The company and its shamed adviser, disgraced Andrew Monk at VSA, have had to reissue accounts. But this is not over yet…


123 days ago

EXPOSE: Dispensa Interims, a string of accounting howlers, the end game will be 0p

Yesterday, Dispensa (DISP), the Standard listed joke formerly known as Zamaz (ZAMZ), a company only Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) seems prepared to act for,  served up its second set of interim results, covering the six months ended 31 August 2023. As you’d expect with a Monk client and a company controlled by Dominic White of the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud infamy, the numbers are a joke and riddled with schoolboy errors. Does Monk care any more about attaching his name to such piffle and associating himself with such low life? Or is he just completely desperate for any business he can get?
