157 days ago
On the ADVFN Bulletin Board Aidenabettin was a fully fledged Jew hater well before it became such a fashionable thing to be on campuses across the West. If Bidstack (BIDS) had any problems it was ALL down to the Israelis and to their paid lackey my good self, a FUD. The classic work of this loathsome anti-semite I exposed HERE.
171 days ago
Of course the answer is “no.” Okay, troops following his orders killed up to 20,000 French civilians but nobody, that I am aware of, is suggesting that old Ike was guilty of a war crime. But here is the rub: Allied Forces did not text French civilians suggesting they leave areas near the Normandy beaches,they did not drop millions of leaflets warning them to scarper, the bombardment that proceeded the landings was not pin point accurate and targetted it was, as they say about Gaza “indiscriminate.”
2707 days ago
There will be a couple more photos later in the week but for now just one from what has been a great day. I have been hard at work all weekend cooking for folks last night, baking a birthday cake (more on that later in the week) and preparing for what was a lovely and special day for myself, the Mrs and Joshua - his Christening. Hence there has been little in the way of writing.