183 days ago
I have warned JP Jenkins a number of times about Tintra (TNT), formerly the AIM Company of the year 2022. But despite shocking exposes like this one yesterday, JPJ seems happy to allow shares to be traded on its platform. Well maybe the winding up order might just change that? I kid you not.
184 days ago
Tintra Plc (TNT) now Tintra Limited, trading on JP Jenkins but formerly the AIM Company of the Year 2022, had a history of dumping loss making and insolvent subsidiaries for nominal consideration and recording large profits on their disposal. But was this all a deception? I have a £1 million expose which suggests that it was.
199 days ago
Earlier I flagged up the scandalous listing of Tintra (TNT) on JP Jenkins. It is my contention that the company mislead investors in numerous ways allowing insiders to make millions from dumping share at hugely inflated prices. And in that vein, here is another oddity that the folks at JP Jenkins should be considering as a matter of urgency.
201 days ago
I have written to my old pal Malcolm Burne in utter horror as I received the email below from his matched bargain platform JP Jenkins boasting that Tintra (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022, had joined JPJ. Our exposes on this website were countless but in essence, insiders dumped vast numbers of shares at hugely inflated prices on the back of spoof fundings at a huge premium which did not happen, then a takeover at 150p which did not happen and a tender offer at 150p which Tintra says may still happen but has not. And it will not.
2420 days ago
Okay those may be the names best known to readers of this site but the panel also included two other wise heads, Ayan Mitra (Code Investing) and veteran gold guru Malcolm Burne (JP Jenkins).