2936 days ago
And so driving through the Cotswolds on my way home from my father's I found myself listening to a BBC Radio 2 discussion about gonorrhoea. It was indeed fascinating stuff. Part of the discussion covered routes for transmission and the terribly PC female doctor covered the issue of transmission between men who like having sex with men. You mean gay men or homosexuals thought I, struggling to find the wording for friends of Dorothy which is deemed not to be offensive in 2016 although it may have been fine in 2015.
3153 days ago
Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has opined that she thinks that it is in Australia's interests that Britain stays in the EU and votes no to Brexit. Meanwhile 99.9% of Britons think that it is in Britain's interest that Aussie nonce Rolf Harris is shipped back to Australia ASAP. As a convicted felon he'd be following a well worn path and frankly there's no reason why the old kiddie fiddler should be allowed to stay here. While we are at it can the Aussies take Germain Greer back as well?
What on earth