Lake Vrynwy

30 days ago

Revisiting water levels at Lake Vyrnwy: an inconvenient truth for the global warming cultists

You may remember that I have been somewhat obsessed and have covered water level at Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, many times since it became a posterboy for the global warming cultists back in 2022 .


279 days ago

Photo Article: Lake Vyrnwy yesterday - spot the drought!

There was a brief break in the weather here in North Wales yesterday. That is to say it was only raining steadily rather than pissing it down. And thus we took our house guest, a keen believer in the bogus religion of man made global warming, up to Lake Vrynwy.  I have visited this place a number of times since the summer of 2022 when a lack of summer frain saw the emergence from the shallows of Welsh villages drowned by the English infidels to create the reservoir. Ignoring a stack of facts the cultists in the MSM predicted this would happen with increasing frequency thanks to global warming, or climate change as it is known when things get cold.
