2 days ago
204 days ago
642 days ago
Of course, the big undeclared (until the last minute) related party deal was the sale of Valereum’s (VLRM) bitcoin mining machines to the Lenigas spoof Vinanz (BTC), originally posited as an arm’s length deal. Many moons later as the Vinanz IPO finally happened the prospectus revealed that Valereum boss Richard Poulden owed a stack of low price (0.25p as opposed to the 3p IPO price) shares in Vinanz. But here is another stinker which emerged yesterday …
682 days ago
In today’s Bearcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) on what is a great day for we loyal shareholders, Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Graft Polymer (GPL) – should that be Grift Polymer – and MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC). Then it is onto Versarien (VRS) and the Neill Ricketts payoff and bailout placing and Pensana (PRE) which must by now be at death’s door: a £55 million market cap looks full in the circumstances and a statement is needed. Finally, that old scallywag Lenigas of Pennpetro (PPP) has doubled down after my earlier expose. He would not dare behave like this in America.
878 days ago
Events at Wishbone Gold (WSBN) where I am, of course, a loyal shareholder, prompt me to suggest a change to UK Regulation, the Lenigas Law. Today’s Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) exposé prompts me to suggest another. I comment on how if Rishi Sunak is “sound money” man then I am slimmer of the year before flagging up a far bigger political influence on markets over the coming six weeks.
912 days ago
In today’s podcast I end with a few ShareStock logistics matters ahead of Saturday. Before that: Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Alien Metals (UFO), Avacta (AVCT), Asimilar (ASLR), TrustPilot (TRST), Ceres Power (CWR) and Deepverge (DVRG).
1351 days ago
In today’s bearcast with myself and Joshua recorded in Metsovo, I comment on MyHealthChecked (MHC), Boots & EasyJet, the blooming Poulden Lenigas bromance, on Zoetic (ZOE) and on Bidstack (BIDS). More ouzo tonight methinks.
1485 days ago
I start with the Poulden/Lenigas/Peterhouse/Mir ramp Upper Thames (UPPT). Then it is onto Ridgecrest (RDGC) where I go through the exact timeline of events and all the issues which the FCA should examine in a formal enquiry. Then I have new questions for Zoetic (ZOE) and its loathsome PR Mr Henry Halfwitted-TopHat, formerly the PR of choice to Chinese fraudsters on AIM, about District 8, the RTO and what actually happened and finally comment on the weekend analysis of Versarien (VRS). Both it and Zoetic are shares where my target remains 0p.
1698 days ago
If you are thinking in investing in Lenigas PLC, Big Dave’s soon-to-launch London listed mining investment company, before you open your cheque book, have a quick butchers at events yesterday in Canada. I do hope shareholders in Elixxer, formerly Lenigas Cuba, had vats of lube at the ready.
2393 days ago
I start with a rant about Barclays (BARC) banksters and how much I despise and loathe them. I then discuss Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP) a Big Dave Lenigas lobster pot from which I escaped today. I move onto Andalas (ADL) and have a challenge for a sad geek with time on his hands, I nominate Drunken Sailor. I look at Xaar (XAR), Crawshaw (CRAW) and finally at Optibiotix (OPTI). I owe cynical bear a glass of ouzo but drank it myself on his behalf. Warning, this podcast contains bad language throughout.
2514 days ago
This is the great Leo the man who has transformed Del Boy Lenigas operation LGO Energy into a company that is going places, Columbus Energy (CERP). This presentation struck me as not bad at all.
2607 days ago
This is not the bombshell revelation about a high profile AIM promoter I promise for today. That will be later. But just for fun....Have you read the new book by South African investigative journalist Jacques Pauw? "The President's Keepers."
3198 days ago
While there were many excellent entries to this caption contest as you can see here, the winner has to be the same person who supplied the original photo below. Oh, no it is Nigel Somerville. Our resident Lenigas worshipping loon Wildes will again demonstrate his enormous knowledge of securities laws by describing this as insider dealing and reporting me to the FCA. Anyhow Nigel's entry is:
3243 days ago
Recorded live from UK Investor Show, today's bearcast. Plenty of bad language and of course Lenigas is a 4 letter word
3256 days ago
It rather seems to have passed folks by but having failed to raise £6 million in a placing he masterminded a month ago (as leaked emails show HERE), Jabba The Hutt is still determined to see dilution on an unprecedented scale - even by his standards - at LGO Energy (LGO). There is an EGM on Monday 18 April.
3263 days ago
This concerns Premaitha (NIPT) where I feel misled and explain why I regard brokers Finncap as complete and utter bastards. Premaitha shares are a buy but it should sack Finncap now. I then move onto Gulf Keystone (GKP), Bacanora (BCN), Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and the pig Lenigas, Mariana Resources (MARL), Goldstone Resources (GRL) and Falkland Island Holdings (FKL) a company that has never recovered from being tipped by another complete and utter bastard, the uber-talentless Richard "Gollum" Gill. I am in a bad mood today and this podcast contains lots of bad langauge.
3263 days ago
This is the question posed by top broker Andrew Monk today. I put it down to associated Lenigas stink and the fact that its assets are just not that great. But over to the VSA expert who writes.
3268 days ago
I shall leave Solo Oil (SOLO) to a distinct piece on this day of vindication but suffice to say the numbers do not add up. While Lenigas groupies wait for that remember to enter the Jabba yacht caption contest where we already have some cracking entries (HERE). Then I look at corporate governance and how the City needs to be seen to be whiter than white, ref Paternoster Resources (PRS). Then it is onto: Kodal (KOD), 88 Energy (88E), Miton Group (MGR), Belgravium (BVM), Environmental Recycling (FRAUD) and Ascent Resources (AST). And finally remember to pre-order the latest free e-book from myself especially if you are a Bulletin Board Moron and want help - you can do so HERE
3269 days ago
In today's podcast I start with the clown Lenigas as he stoops to new lows in every respect - see HERE. I then move onto a shit company not linkd to Jabba The Hutt - Taihua (TAIH). I also cover Solo Oil ( SOLO), Strat Aero (AERO), 88 Energy (88E), Cluff Natural (CLNR) and the time Algy met a man in shorts and a T shirt (me) and turned up his patrician nose, and Nighthawk Energy (HAWK)
3282 days ago
I shall deal with willie obsessed holiday ruining Easyjet (EZJ) later. And also with Fastjet (FJET) but suffice to say its shares are a sell. A reminder SPUKI - book your seats today to hear me expose the fat share ramper Lenigas in full plus much more at UK Investor on April 30. Thanks to Intelligent Energy (IEH) for clarifying what net cash means ( please note D&D) I cover its woes today plus also Plus500 (PLUS), RedX Pharma (REDX), Next (NXT) and Sareum (SAR)
3302 days ago
I ask you to examine two RNS statements issued by Lenigas ramp (how's the placing going) UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) concerning Horse Hill flow rates from 29 February. Then let's do some Leni-maths.
3305 days ago
Oh dear. To have one POS turfed off the AIM Casino might be considered unfortuaate but to have two booted off and forced to flee to the ISDX lobster pot looks like carelessness. And so after the tobacco smuggling business of Afriag (AFRI) departed, next up is Doriemus (DOR). Oh dear.
3306 days ago
Bacanora Minerals (BCN), the AIM and TSX-listed lithium explorer with assets in the Sonora province of Mexico, has stood out from its peers in the junior exploration space in recent years. While share prices have collapsed all around it, this lithium play has maintained a market cap of £70 million despite having yet to release a PFS. Part of this is because lithium was the hot commodity of 2015, but also because (as Peter Secker alluded to when this exact question was put to him at Gold and Bears) Bacanora has a "supportive shareholder".
3338 days ago
Bears are the new regulators, in fact the only regulators. Jabba the Hutt wants shorting banned. Worse still he is telling his deluded followers that shares in Afriag (AFRI) and his other dogs fell because of shorting. That is untrue as I explain in this podcast. I also cover: the after effects of ouzo, Frontier Resources (FRI), FastForward (FFWD), TrakM8 (TRAK), PeerTV (PTV), Sirius Minerals (SXX), London Capital (LCG) - in detail - and Jiasen (JSI)
3376 days ago
Whilst checking the details about Evocutis PLC (EVO) I noticed that the 31 July 2014 year end accounts have been signed off on the 20 January 2014, some 6 months before the accounting year end. At this point we move from Leni-maths to, Back to the Future, starring Jabba The Hutt.
3381 days ago
The birth of AfriAg (AFRI) saw the hand of Jabba The Hutt's old mucker Paul de Robillard present, almost right from the start. Lenigas and Mr de Robillard appear to have worked together on this AfriAG (SA/plc/UK/whatever) venture almost right from the beginning.
3393 days ago
There have been deranged comments all day coming from Del Boy Lenigas apologist and diehard LGO Energy (LGO) shareholder Wilrides suggesting that the suspension of shares in Teathers Financial (TEA) means wipeout. As you would expect from an LGO shareholder he has got it all wrong.
Teathers was suspended today becuase AIM deemed
3567 days ago
A pot pouri of a podcast today starting with the pronounciation pedant, the great Paul Scott. Then onto a cracking Zero Hedge article on how we should have treated the banksters in 2008 - we should have followed Iceland. Then on to Greece, Octagonal, Trap Oil, Nyota, Sefton, Afren, Alba Minerals, Monitise, Power Capital Global and Windar Photonics.