2362 days ago

Photo Article: The Cheerleader fired for breaking her employment contract - oh it must be sexism

Great I get to run a photo of an NFL cheerleader and of the same bird wearing lingerie in an article and it is all because I am so supportive of the feminist cause. Sometimes I really like my job. Meet Bailey Davies formerly, for three years, a cheerleader with the NFL team the New Orleans Saints.


2386 days ago

Another massive switch off for the Oscars - I'm not alone in finding liberal millionaire virtue signalling nauseating

I could not bear to stay up to watch the Oscars on Sunday night. But I have already seen the BBC and the rest of the liberal media fawning over its diversity and how the millionaire liberal luvvies took it in turns to bash Trump, male harassersment, guns, Trump again, Republicans and Trump again. How drearily predictable but then #blackfrocksmatter. But there is another matter which the liberal media is not reporting on - how America is turning off from this virtue signalling in droves


2533 days ago

Pence for 2024 - the BBC & liberal media gets #Takeaknee so 100% wrong again

The BBC was again wetting itself as it reported that Vice President Mike Pence had walked out of an Indianapolis Colts NFL game on Sunday as some players opted to insult the flag and anthem by not standing but by kneeling as part of the #TakeaKnee protest. The BBC could not believe that the Vice President had flown in an air force plane to his home state. Jeepers a VP flying in an official jet to go his home state at the weekend. Whatever next? Bears. Shit. Woods.
