384 days ago
So in this short podcast I start by explaining confusion of birthdays and death days, long covid is my excuse. The Israel and Whataboutery. Then Optiva has not gone bust, setting the record straight. Finally a daft idea from Labour to bail out folks like Sarah Willingham. PS Sarah when is the lack of profits warning?
431 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss ShareStock, VSA Capital (VSA), Optiva, Strix (KETL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and BlueJay Mining (JAY)
431 days ago
Small cap and spiv trader favourite broker Optiva has been stopped from taking on any new clients by the FCA and its existing clients are not allowed to pass new funds or assets to Optiva’s control. The mystery is why.
609 days ago
Roquefort (ROQ) was a Standard List shell brought to market by the scumbags at Optiva as s shell in March 2021, raising a Bernie at 5p - I did warn folks about it HERE. Its shares are now suspended at 6.75p as it could not get its accounts out on time. But the history of the main player, CEO Ajan Reginald should be telling you that this is a monumental bargepole and everyone involved, from the FCA downwards should be highly concerned.
890 days ago
I start with my troubles in travelling and also with a guest at the Greek Hovel changing all the locks. Suffice to say I am in a bad mood as I head back to Wales. Then it is onto Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) where – goaded by a trolling and abusive shareholder – I remind you why the shares will be sub 10p by Christmas and could well then head rapidly towards zero. Then back to Zak Mir and Lift Ventures (LFT), where I serve up a scenario where the initial Miriad deal was illegal and the cover-up needs exposing, something Aquis Regulation could do at ease. Of course if the NEDS and adviser Optiva are smart and, if my theory is correct, they will resign and whistleblow now as IF the initial deal was illegal and that is now being covered up they do not want to be implicated if things get messy.
939 days ago
Supporters argued that incompliance with listing rules was of no great import and, as the FCA agreed, perhaps they were right. Hopefully, you did not fall for that and bailed, at 115p, on my warning last August. Shares in this Optiva-promoted dog’s breakfast are now 35p. It is not what is said today, but what isn’t.
1202 days ago
If this rings any bells it should. Ben’s Creek Group PLC was only incorporated on 11 August 2021 with the “colourful” financier Adam Wilson of Daniel Stewart and Atlantic Carbon ( another US coal dog) infamy the driving force. Now it plans to raise £7 million valuing the shite within this company at £28 million. There is so much that I doubt Optiva and Allenmby are telling mugs who are ponying up ahead of an AIM sewer listing in two weeks time.
1253 days ago
Tirupati Graphite (TGR) listed on the main market at 45p on 14 December and the shares have done well, surging to 115p. £6 million was raised by Optiva on listing and another £10 million at 90p in April. But I have just contacted the FCA as there appears to be a problem, a big problem.
1817 days ago
Two sources whom I trust told me that Eurasia Mining (EUA) was doing a placing via Optiva. And so I ran the story, first giving the company the opportunity to comment, an opportunity it passed up on. The shares had been falling for a few days and that is normally a good sign, on the insider dealing plagued market that is the AIM Casino, that a placing was underway. So I guess a few folks sold on the basis of the article. Fear not folks, count it as a lucky escape.
1820 days ago
Updated: Eurasia Mining (EUA) boss Christian Schaffalitzky talked about a dividend, PR guru the Sith Lord Zak Mir was told to suggest on a secret chatroom that directors would be buying millions of pounds of shares in the market and the shares zoomed.
2073 days ago
Broker Optiva has made a very generous donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Given how beastly I am about it (as is Levi) that is very generous. I suggest you follow suit HERE. Stockopedia has done another poor hatchet job on Optibiotix (OPTI). I explain why it is just a piss poor and pointless piece. The shares, at 89p are a BUY at up to 90p and will be 125p+ in a very short order.
2081 days ago
Finally, after almost three weeks of trying, and after I forced them to ‘fess with a scoop HERE, Bidstack (BIDS) and tawdry broker Optiva have managed to complete a placing. They were aiming to raise £5 million at 15p. Then it became 13.25p. The placing was completed at just 12.5p.
2093 days ago
I am procrastinating ahead of a 24 mile training walk in the Grim North as the wind blows hard and the rain tips it down. As you think of my suffering please please donate now HERE. In consider the 3Xs in light of today’s Pathfinder (PFP) scoop. I apologise to Peter Greensmith, he is not the knobhead in the Bidstack (BIDS) affair and indeed not a knobhead at all. I name the real knobheads and have another scoop on the company showing how firms like Optiva make AIM a disorderly market with their slimeball behaviour. Finally I look at yesterday’s financing by ValiRx (VAL) which looks like a bad deal in so many ways.
2093 days ago
In today’s bearcast I cover Optibiotix (OPTI), Vela (VELA), Woodford Patient Capital trust (WPCT), Ascent Resources (AST), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Bidstack (BIDS) and Optiva/Novum and a hot City rumour. Also I have a message for 90% of listeners – please be a hero today, my 21 mile training walk for this weekend has been planned so donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE
2387 days ago
That insolvent Andalas Energy (ADL) is undertaking a placing is no shock. It is insolvent with negative net current assets of at least £400,000 but thanks to some fairly sordid share ramping it has managed to raise a gross £1 million at 0.02p. The ramping of shares in this company with worthless assets is pretty unpleasant but what is laid bare in the news is the sheer greed of City advisers notably brokers Novum – of Jon Belliss and Gavin “I made £750k from Globo - Burnell infamy – and Optiva.
3333 days ago
From failed ISDX investment company Black Eagle, c/o Peter Redmond, to Silver Falcon (SILF) this is a tale of City greed and white collar crime by private investors. It makes me feel utterly sick. All the usual suspects feature: the scumbags at Optiva, Peterhouse Corporate Finance, Redmond, Geoff Dart. Vomit, vomit, vomit