Paradise papers

2501 days ago

Jim Mellon, the Hoxton Pony, the Paradise Papers, the lies and the tax avoidance

The Guardian's coverage of the Paradise Papers has now turned to my old friend the Isle of Man based fugitive from Korean justice, Mr Jim Mellon. The Grauniad's coverage goes far but, sadly, its journalists fall for some slam dunk lies. This all concerns the Hoxton Pony,a fashionable bar in uber hip Shoreditch. I used to live round the corner and know it well.


2505 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: as a former tax dodger in the Isle of Man I can't say I'm shocked by the Paradise Papers

Of course when I was a crony capitalist I spent a couple of years in the Isle of Man with its progressive tax system.  That was all legit, it is called tax avoidance (legal) not tax evasion (illegal) but it is clear that the IOM facilitates a stack of illegal tax evasion. I am not shocked by the Paradise Papers revelations on this and explain why. Elsewhere there is follow on work on Totally (TLY) looking at more red flags and the vanity of sales, then coverage of Red Emperor (RMP) and P:aragon Entertainment (PEL)


2505 days ago

Austerity & Tax Avoidance - how the left does not get it: free unicorns for all

The tweet below refers to the Paradise Papers not the Panama Papers but that is not the glaring error. The error is to say that austerity is caused by tax evasion. It is wrong on so many counts.
