Pensana Rare Earths

1118 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now Andrew Bell sells Red Rock shares, is this the final straw?

In today’s podcast I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), Zoetic (ZOE), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and strange coincidences at Global Petroleum (GBP).


1423 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the last from Shipston

My father died at 8.22 AM on Monday and I discuss that. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) and market frothiness.


1444 days ago

Video: Rare Earths on Verge of Exploding

Since I am a loyal and supportive shareholder at Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) this video is naturally sweet music to my ears! And the video also focusses on the mega bull case for copper which, as an Asiamet (ARS) shareholder makes me even happier.


1445 days ago

Pensana Rare Earths – following massive upgrade of resource at Longonjo, where next for the shares?...

Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) has announced a massive increase in the Mineral Resource estimate for its Longonjo Project…


1453 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reasons for lateness today and flagging up a likely absence

I address this point first. The poems to which I refer can be found HERE. Then I look at Amigo (AMGO) where my pal Lucian Miers has got it 100% wrong before considering Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) where folks were right to ignore the advice of HotStockRockets. This play on green shite will, I sense, head far higher.


1463 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 9: Almost 3 hours of Lucian Miers, Myself on Dev Clever and Harry Adams of Kefi

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Lucian Miers on the markets, the real economy, his longs and shorts and gold and with Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) ahead of the most exciting six weeks of his career. Listen carefully to what Harry says, having just bought more Kefi a couple of weeks ago I am delighted with certain matters he raises. Finally, I look at Dev Clever (DEV) and why it should face a full stewards!. You can access the show HERE


1470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 8: Well over 2 hours of gold, me on corporate lying, Richard Poulden and Steve Moore

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on gold and where it goes next, on the US election but also on Wishbone Gold (WSBN) as it takes a new direction. As a long suffering shareholder, down £30,000, I have a few tough questions. Then I discuss what gold stocks I am buying before chatting to Steve Moore, a man with whom I have worked for all bar a few weeks of his working life. He is this year 38! Frightening. I started the show with a suggestion that we all look back to the 1970s. I end with a look at corporate lying and why it is on the rise and why no-one cares but that will change. Verditek (VDTK) is a case study here. You can access the show HERE


1488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is my old chum Paul Atherley suffering from Islingtonitis, Guardian reading derangement syndrome?

In today’s podcast I look at Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), Verditek (VDTK), Zenith Energy (ZEN), Inspirit (INSP) where there is a rebellion about to break out and, natch, I back the rebels, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Superdry (SDRY).


1500 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow Number 7: Two and a half hours on gold as it hits record high, what to buy or should I play the "green revolution" instead?

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Nigel Somerville on gold and where it goes next, on how to play the gold bull market, what stocks to buy and what non stocks to buy and how a gold bug positions the rest of his portfolio. Then Paul Atherley from a non gold miner, Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), a play on all this green shit everyone – bar me – seems to love. And I explain why I have bought Pensana shares even though I think man-made global warming is utter bunkum. Finally two stocks where the valuation is insane: Dev Clever (DEV) and Trainline (TRN). You can access the show HERE
