76 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I'm a lifetime burden on the state because I was FAT

My latest blood test results are in and things continue to go the right way but I shall be a lifetime burden on the NHS because I was fat. RFK is right: obesity will destroy the West and we must stop pretending otherwise.


98 days ago

Just how anti-democratic are the US Democrats: banana republic behaviour in Wisconsin and Michigan

Last Friday Robert Kennedy junior, RFK, said that in ten battleground states he was withdrawing his candidacy for President and urged his supporters to back Donald Trump. In British terms this is like a Kinnock urging folks to vote Tory. The son of Bobby Kennedy, the nephew of JFK is backing not just a Republican but Trump. I discussed HERE how this really can make a difference and makes a Trump win all the more likely. But the Democrats are cheats.


102 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Ukraine collapsing in Donbas as RFK backs Donald Trump after the Democrat Coronation Convention

As I repeatedly point out the Ukraine war and the US Election are closely linked and, as ever, the BBC, ghastly Jon Sopel and the rest of the liberal media class mislead you as to what is going on on both fronts. I discuss bad news for Ukraine and how, I sense, the Kamala Harris honeymoon is over, certainly after Robert Kennedy jnr today, as I predicted he would,  threw in the towel in the swing states and backd President Trump. the polls, Financial betting all tell a similar tale. 
