
85 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Farage is NOT a Russian asset, the establishment hit job in an election in a country where everything is broken

The car below is another every day reminder to me of how everything the State is meant to do seems broken despite taxes being at a 70 year high and debt being almost 100% of GDP, on bodged numbers. The real number is even worse. And so to a pal from Oxford who asked and to anyone else who cares, I just say that I do not really care who wins. But egged on by a vile establishment hit job on Nigel Farage, with whom, as long term readers know, I have often disagreed, I am going to vote ReformUK just as a screw you vote against that same establishment within the political and media class GroupThink. The lavatory seeping shit into the River Dee photo article is HERE and expressed a similar sentiment to this podcast.

