757 days ago
The liberal media is now waking up to the idea that, tomorrow, American voters will use the mid-terms to blow an enormous raspberry to their man creepy Joe Biden and to the whole ultra woke agenda of their beloved Democrats. Well, that is to say they know that the GOP will hand out an enormous whipping but they cannot admit why.
944 days ago
The liberal media are telling you that thanks to evil Presdent Trump loading the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade may be overturned so meaning the end of 49 years of legal abortion in America. As ever that is just not is what is happening and at every level the Guardian/BBC/ Kirstie Allsop – with whom I was arguing about this on twitter – narrrative is just wrong. I try to explain why and – only because I am a man – have to start with my own personal involvment with abortion in order to justify what follows.
1527 days ago
As each day goes by, there seems another sign that the University in the City of lost causes is, itself, becoming more of a lost cause. Meet Dr Jennifer Cassidy. You can hire her as a speaker if you have an appetite for expensive woke nonsense and her agency says of her:
1536 days ago
The constitution is clear. If a Supreme Court Justice dies, the sitting President nominates a replacement who must be ratified by the sitting Senate which right now means a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate. But guess what, creepy Joe Biden appears to think that the US Constitution does not matter. Anyone thinking of voting for this senile old coot should be alarmed.
2257 days ago
And so the Senate Judiciary Committee voted that the full Senate should appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the hit job on him from the Democrats. But then at the last minute a leading Democrat activist funded by George Soros corned a Republican Senator in a lift, blubbed about her #MeToo moment, and persuaded Country Club loser Jeff Flake to ask for a one week delay to allow the FBI to investigate the less than complete claims made by Christine Blasey Ford. Good news, bring it on.