1447 days ago
Thanks to the certifiably insane First Minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford, boozers shut at 6 PM and can’t serve booze anyway. I can’t remember whether it is illegal to cross the border with England yet or whether the North Wales Police start arresting folks for this heinous crime on the 24th, 25th or 28th. Anyhow, we set off from the Welsh Hovel last night, four of us in the car, dashing the few hundred yards to the bridge to free England and what we found was heartbreaking.
1553 days ago
The screenshot below, from an online faculty meeting at what you might have thought a decent university, says it all. Welcome to the Marxist Madrassas of 2020 where you must admit to, and confess to, thought crime in a mass ritual. Then you can leave Room 101. Once upon a time, academics celebrated freedom of thought. But that was in the days before history was rewritten, and before the clocks chimed thirteen.
1587 days ago
Long time readers will know that my displacement nightmare activity involves my return to Oxford University. For reasons that are always slightly different, the story starts with me, rather foolishly, deciding that my 2:2 was not a true reflection of my academic genius and somehow I manage to persuade my old college to take me back for another stab at it. Somehow, I then contrive to screw it all up again and suddenly I am sitting in Schools, staring at an exam paper realising that this time around, notwithstanding widespread grade inflation, I’d be lucky to get even a Desmond.
4269 days ago
I often feel like I am in 1984. “We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.” And so I am asked to believe that the loons have always told us that man-made emissions cause climate change. They have always said that they caused climate change.
I do not recollect it being that way. I am sure that in the early years of this scare we were told that man-made carbon emissions caused global warming. And that there was a proven link and Big Brother reminded us that 99% of scientists told us that the world was going to get much warmer unless we changed our ways, handing over more of our money and liberties to the State.
But the world has, as we know, not got warmer since 1997. In fact it appears to be a tad cooler. Certainly it is frigging cold where I am here in Airstrip One. And so this, we are now told, is clear evidence of climate change.
Except that, again in my dim and distant memory, I remember it snowing in March and indeed on my sister’s birthday in April back in the era before Big Brother told us all that we were suffering from global warming. Ooops. “We are suffering from climate change, we have always been suffering from climate change, we were never suffering global warming.” Silly me. Off to room 101 for TW.
So a serious question from me, answers in the comments section below: “When did the loons stop officially referring to global warming and start referring to climate change?”