238 days ago
I start with a big day for Joshua. I guess if he does get into expensive King’s Chester any thoughts of imminent retirement are off the table. Then it is Peter Brailey and Serinus (SENX), Diversified Energy (DEC), Vast Resources (VAST) and NightCap (NGHT) where, in both cases, AIM Regulation must act, Argo Blockchain (ARB), still a short at 14p, and Supply&ME Capital (SYME) and doing the granular maths on when, not if it is a zero
251 days ago
The man who predicted negative oil is once again a big speaker at Sharestock this year on September 7 where the line-up is becoming more complete as you can see HERE. As we discuss that Peter says that he has taken a position in Serinus Energy (SENX) as a trading buy at 2.75p. Is he mad? Well yes those that know him well would say that but he might be correct on this occasion.