1346 days ago
It seems that I am now required, as a man, to start any article on this subject by saying how appalling the murder of Ms Everard was and how I condemn rape and sexual assault. Both should be a given but in 2021 that is not enough. As a male, I must repeat that testament of faith before being allowed to express a view. Yesterday I explained how the reaction of my wonderful daughter Olaf in her young, metropolitan woke echo chamber was wrong but she is not the only one whose good intentions make this matter far worse.
1347 days ago
The evidence of just how useless is Met Commissioner Cressida Dick has mounted iover the years. The shooting of that poor Brazilian chap should have done for her career. It did not. So many blunders have happened on her watch but nothing has ever stopped her rise to the top and her staying there. You might have thought that Police manhandling protesters at the Sarah Everard vigil might finally see her gone. But oh no.
1347 days ago
Green Baroness and career politician Jenny Jones said she might propose a 6 PM curfew for all men. That Bonkers Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford showed some sympathy with the idea is surely all the proof that you needed that it and Jenny are mad as a nest of snakes. But my wonderful, but a bit woke, daughter Olaf lambasts me for saying so.
1351 days ago
No, I had never heard of her either but apparently she is a Green party peer sitting in the House of Lords. That means that you and I, dirty taxpaying oiks, have to pony up for her three hundred quid a day fees. Before becoming a career politician, Jones was an archaeologist studying carbonised plant remains which should suit her well as she now sits surrounded by ancient vegetables.