1283 days ago
But at least it wowed a few morons and shares in this grotesque fraud opened sharply up although you can only fool so many morons for so long and the shares are now down 0.5p on the day at 63p. They remain 62p overvalued and here is why.
2404 days ago
I've always hard a soft spot for Shania Twain - great looks, great songs and then this morning she said that had she been an American, not from the Socialist hell hole that is Canada, she would have voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Shania, thought I, you really are the one. Someone in the liberal world of entertainment who dares to praise a conservative, let alone Trump faces career ruination and so Shania risked a lot.
2991 days ago
These Canadians are swamping the UK. What right have people like the pizza hard man Darren Atwater to come over here, risking his own capital to buy and grow a business, creating jobs and paying taxes? Worse still, he then threatens the British way of life by encouraging us to have maple syrup rather than lemon and sugar on our pancakes, by watching ice hockey and by listening to Shania Twain and Bryan Adams.