2667 days ago
The story is not really that shocking. After smoking about 180 fags a day for sixty years Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood got lung cancer but had the lump cut out and is now okay. Move on. But it is worth reading any story in the quite dreadful Mail on Sunday and its sister title The Daily Mail for the comments that follow. This is a classic.
3069 days ago
It does not matter who gets to lead the Tory party. Hitman Boris Johnson may be out of the race but his pal Michael Gove is in and it looks as if it is neck and neck between the Gover or Euro traitor and Sharia law in Britain supporter Theresa May. Theresa, don't have my arm chopped off for saying this but here's hoping it is Gove. But it does not matter. Seriously the Tories could pick Roy Hodgson as their leader or even bring back Dodgy Dave and they would still win the next election
We loyalists who joined the People's Party last summer to help get Comrade Corbyn elected have done a sterlintg job as it appears that within a year of us manning the barricades in fraternal solidarity with our comrade workers, the Labour party may either split in two or plausibly oust comrade Corbyn and engage in fratricide. It is all a very entertaining summer panto.
Earlier today