Socialist Hell Hole

263 days ago

Was this the worst #HolocaustMemorialDay tweet from a Politician? David Eby the premier of British Columbia

In my podcast on Saturday I discussed how folks like Sadiq Khan, Brighton Council and that poltroon who is running Scotland into the ground gave extensive comment about Holocaust Memorial Day without using the J word. Yes, let’s not show any sympathy for the Jews and talk about Srebrenica instead.  To be fair Brighton Council has now apologised. But it has not disciplined the person responsible. Words are cheap. The tweet was sent with intent and whoever sent it should be fired. Actions are what count. Over in the Socialist hell hole that is Canada, the top politician in British Columbia went further. His tweet, as you can see below is abhorrent.


2978 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - will the Pizza Hard Man Darren Atwater be deported to Canada after test fail?

The pizza hardman took a test to see if he can stay in the UK and avoid deportation to the socialist hell hole that is Canada. I give you one of the questions whuch had me stumped since in part it depends on whether you live in the hard working South or the Northern welfare safaris. Then I answer a question on forward selling and another listener question on whether Sirius Minerals (SXX) is cheap. Then it is onto Harvest Minerals, (HMI), Iofina (IOF), Alba (ALBA) and the Jim Mellon joke that is SalvaRx (SALV) which I have covered in full HERE. Finally I am working on exposing an AIM listed company which has been engaging in industrial scale bribery. I hope to run the story tomorrow. Can you guess the company? Suggestions in the comments section below. Ho Ho Ho.
