
53 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the three serpents in the Helium bubble garden of Jerry Keen

In today’s bearcast I end with a plunging Russian Rouble and start with the three helium serpents floated by Jerry Keen this year: Georgina (GEX), Pulsar (PLSR) and today’s dog run by a liar Helix (HEX). In between I look at Oracle (ORCP) and the antics of David Lenigas and also at Strix (KETL)


360 days ago

Strix – another two red flags

Steve Moore and I have warned you all often enough about Strix (KETL), the company claiming to be revolutionizing the world of kettles. Today another two big red flags.


431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When will bankers to Strix FORCE it to do a discounted placing?

In today’s bearcast I discuss ShareStock, VSA Capital (VSA), Optiva, Strix (KETL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and BlueJay Mining (JAY)


662 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - an amazing apple from Wales

I start with a few ramblings on turning the Welsh Hovel into a homestead and an apple I have just eaten. I end with a reminder that 98% of you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I am sure that you can each afford a tenner, please do donate HERE. Then I look in detail at Strix (KETL) and explain why Versarien (VRS) really is screwed. Unless you have dealt with banks when running a struggling company – as I have – you just won’t get why. I also look at BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and Inland (INL).


765 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Family tales

I start with the reason for no bearcast yesterday and end with my virtue signalling siblings lining up to be mugged. In between I look at Strix (KETL), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Chill Brands (CHILL), Cellular Goods (CBX) and the CBD pain myth exposed and also at Tomco (TOM) and Shield Therapeutics (STX) where I sense PL will be apologising to the master soon.


838 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Here is what I would have bought after some on the ground DD had my stockbroker not been on YET ANOTHER holiday

I reckon these stockbrokers must earn even more that those chancers my wife gets in to clean the windows and so I am a frustrated non buyer of a shares I have not owned before. Jaya and I did some due diligence at the coal face today and I explain why I may be buying if I can get hold of the great man tomorrow.  Then it is onto Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and the corruption of the deadwood press (the Sunday Times in this case) and finally a detailed look at Malcolm Stacey favourite Strix (KETL) where I have been a bear.  The shares are down 69% over the past 13 months and after today’s news I see an easy 30-40% more downside from here. With an EV of c£400 millionand a £270 million market cap it should be shortable and should be shorted.


847 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Missing hot dates, not me & the wonderful Cheryl but Avacta - rescue placing ahoy!

I start with the problems my cat is causing me. Then it is onto Avacta (AVCT), Bidstack (BIDS),  Strix (KETL), nanosynth (NNN) and David Beckham and his pot/face cream spoof Cellular Goods (CBX)


2125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast on this Brexit betrayal day: Answering a Neil Woodford question for Roger Lawson.

Neil Woodford needs money for his funds urgently but to give to a far more deserving cause which I may have mentioned once or twice go HERE. I discuss damning statistics for the AIM Casino, Inspirit (INP), Mobile Streams (MOS) and in the Woodford section Paypoint (PAY), Imperial Brands (IMB) and now Strix (KETL), another jolly good income and growth play he is dumping. 

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