3 days ago
It was 7.30 in the evening and as the rest of the family finished supper I was tasked with walking up to the village to buy some Persil. But as I stepped out of the back door I realised at once what was happening. “Come quickly Joshua, come Jaya guess what’s happening?” I shouted. A few seconds later “it’s snowing” they screamed in joyful unison. But this was not meant to happen.
310 days ago
Despite claims that 2023 was the hottest year on record, using spectacularly bodged data, the arctic sea ice seems to be rather off message: it is now at its highest level for 21 years. Oddly the BBC’s various global warming correspondents have yet to take a private jet to report on that. Perhaps they are all at Davos with Greta Thunberg. Meanwhile closer to home I bring you two pictures that greeted my family at the Welsh hovel this morning, yes that is global warming you see in the farmyard and on the road up to the village.
674 days ago
The pictures below show the elevated lawn and Ha Ha and the fields this morning at the Welsh Hovel. As you can see it snowed last night, there is about half an inch on the ground. And the fields are completely flooded. It is a wonderful view and shows my flood defences holding firm. But it prompts two thoughts.
1109 days ago
The article below from the wretched Guardian is from 2004. Experts told George Bush that global warming would see most of Europe flooded as sea levels soared while London suffered a climate like Siberia. Food shortages caused by the burning planet would cause nuclear wars. The Grauniad said that these warnings from experts would force President Bush, a sceptic, to mend his ways and fall into line with the scientofic consensus.
1413 days ago
In 2000, Dr David Viner the world-leading global warming scientist at the UEA – where they had to bodge their numbers to make their predictive graphs work – said of the near future “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” His co-conspirator in the great hoax, David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, said ultimately, “British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes – or eventually “feel” virtual cold”. So guess what I woke up to today?
1780 days ago
My late uncle Chris would have loved this. It is one of those moments when I really want to chat to him as we would both have been laughing within seconds. It is not the fact that the UK is getting cooler but the way that in utterly Orwellian fashion the BBC and the high priests of the global warming cult, the Met Office, spin cooling as warming.
2515 days ago
A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes: