113 days ago
205 days ago
Natch, Dispensa (DISP) being bent shysters did not mention that Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, had quit but its name was NOT on today’s release and the word on the street is that VSA quit on Friday. I have reached out to the most famous son of Oriel College Oxford but he has declined to confirm. But following my shocking exposes last week HERE and, especially HERE where Carrado Coen became involved, Monkey just had no choice but well done to him anyway for biting the bullet. Gotcha!
210 days ago
As a loyal, if wholly unwitting, shareholder in Aquis listed VSA Capital (VSA) perhaps I should not crow to much about the news that humble pie is on the menu today at Oriel College Oxford. That Andrew Monk and his team have climbed down in this legal tussle which will see another material writedown in the balance sheet is embarrassing but it is also sensible and for that I offer praise where it is due. Well done Monkey! Let me explain.
210 days ago
My shocking expose of Dispensa (DISP), the crock formerly known as Zamaz, where I’ve been a perma bear since its September 2 2022 IPO at 11p seems to have somebody panicking. The shares have today crashed by 42% to just 0.95p. Which will be the next rat to jump as there is far worse to come. I shall kick off with a couple of questions for those such as PR goons Walbrook and VSA Capital, where I am unwitting shareholder, to consider as they ponder how much more reputational damage they can tolerate.
290 days ago
Perhaps Andrew Monk might hire someone at VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, who understands accounts. Maybe I shall raise this matter at the next AGM? It seems that, as I suspected, Oriel College Oxford does not teach basic accountancy.
293 days ago
It really is a disgrace that an Aquis listed adviser to Aquis companies can put out a results statement which breaks a basic accounting rule and not issue a correction. Yet that is exactly what Andrew Monk and VSA Capital (VSA) has done. Perhaps he thinks that rules don’t apply to gentlemen such as himself by dint of his education at Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the regulator
293 days ago
In today’s podcast on a day of travel drama for the Mrs and Joshua I discuss: Chill Brands (CHLL), Ben’s Creek (BEN), VSA Capital (VSA) and Reabold Resources (RBD).
308 days ago
Maybe rules apply only to little people and not to companies which retain as their adviser someone whose legendary modesty sees him mentioning almost every day that he attended Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the FCA about Sub Standard listed Dispensa (DISP), ccing in its adviser, pompous and conceited, Andrew Monk of VSA Capital.
328 days ago
Yesterday, Dispensa (DISP), the Standard listed joke formerly known as Zamaz (ZAMZ), a company only Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) seems prepared to act for, served up its second set of interim results, covering the six months ended 31 August 2023. As you’d expect with a Monk client and a company controlled by Dominic White of the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud infamy, the numbers are a joke and riddled with schoolboy errors. Does Monk care any more about attaching his name to such piffle and associating himself with such low life? Or is he just completely desperate for any business he can get?
328 days ago
It is turning out to be a rather bad week for the egomaniac boss of VSA Capital (VSA), the, self styled, “Very Sexy Andrew” Monk. Yesterday it emerged that his firm is being sued for a Bernie by former client Silverwood Brands (SLWD) and yesterday VSA was also fired as adviser to Cook’s Coffee (COOK) which it listed on the Aquis lobster pot less than a year ago. We know that loss making VSA needs all the retainers it can get but if it had to lose one, interims from Cooks out today suggest it would probably be this one. They are dire. And misleading.
328 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear. There’s trouble at t’mill for VSA Capital (VSA) the corporate advisory firm run by the egomaniac and self-styled Very Sexy Andrew (Monk). You cannot say that I did not warn you. It is all to do with VSA’s erstwhile client, fellow Aquis listed dog Silverwood Brands (SLWD) and its failed attempt to buy a 20% stake in cosmetics retailer Lush. Honestly you could not make this shit up.
336 days ago
On September 5 2023 I took Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) to task for trying to ramp shares in Invinity Energy (IES) on an all expenses paid jolly visiting Canadian fund managers. The shares were then 49p. I do hope that you followed my bear call as, despite Monkey’s wretched protestations, I was bang on the money. The shares are now 28.5p and falling rapidly.
383 days ago
I start with a few BBC/Israel matters and health advice from Lucian Miers. Then I look at Silverwood (SLWD), a disaster from the VSA Capital (VSA) stable. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME) as the fraud approaches end game, Harland & Wolff (HARL), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Doc Holliday and ECR Minerals (ECR) and Upland Resources (UPL)
383 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear this is getting messy. Having said that it would go all the way in the Courts to fight for its right to buy 20% of Lush from its own directors, Aquis Listed Silverwood Brands (SLWD) has capitulated. And that leaves a £1 million question for VSA Capital (VSA), its advisor on the deal, where I am an unwitting shareholder. Its egomaniac boss Andrew Monk seems unwilling to answer.
406 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear. Its more bad news for we loyal – or in my case unwitting – shareholders in VSA Capital ( Very Sexy Andrew) run by the egomaniac graduate of Oriel College Oxford (lower second in name dropping), Mr Andrew Monk. More than a third of our balance sheet is now tied up in shares which are now suspended for a reason that just does not wash. Oh dear, oh dear.
422 days ago
In today’s podcast I look at ASOS (ASC), Belluscura (BELL), Versarien (VRS), ICG Longbow (LBOW) and lessons learned from the ouzo moments and 100% vindications today at MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) and Cook’s Coffee (COK) another disaster from Andrew Monk’s VSA Capita (VSA).
431 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss ShareStock, VSA Capital (VSA), Optiva, Strix (KETL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and BlueJay Mining (JAY)
431 days ago
Shares in Silverwood Brands (SLWD) valued at 100p a pop represented about a third of the year end balance sheet of Andrew Monk’s Aquis listed VSA Capital (VSA). Yesterday just £7500 worth of shares were sold by somebody at just 25p causing the mid price to halve from 60p to 30 and so slashing the market cap by 50% to £78 million. Frankly even that valuation is nutso. It gets murkier and murkier.
443 days ago
I would like to apologise to Mr. Andrew Monk for suggesting that his claim that I was a shareholder in VSA Capital (VSA) was a vile smear. I have now tracked down the share registrars and it appears that a share certificate for 2,000 shares was indeed dispatched to a wholly out of date address. I am thus the owner of shares which might just be sold for a paltry £120.
534 days ago
You will find the results, just out, below. I discuss and analyse. I also look at VSA Capital (VSA), Tern (TERN), Versarien (VRS) and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). And yes, I have recorded an interview with Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) today.
565 days ago
“Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive.” Andrew Monk, as he oft reminds us went to Oriel College Oxford where he studied rowing and name dropping. So he probably thinks the quote is from Shakespeare. You, dear reader, know that it is from Walter Scott, Marmion, A tale of Flodden Field. But in terms of Monk’s VSA capital (VSA) and its results out today it is apposite although, I should stress, the results are fully compliant with all accounting standards.
568 days ago
The first relates to VSA Capital (VSA) itself, the second to Cook’s Coffee (COOK) an abomination of an IPO VSA inflicted on the Aquis Losbter pot late last year. Monk, who normally loves the sound of his own voice especially when mentioning that he went to Oriel College Oxford seems strangely silent on these two matters
582 days ago
Earlier, I showed what an absolute abomination of an IPO Andrew Monk’s VSA landed British investors with last November with Cook’s Coffee (COOK). Then I looked at what was stated, now I address what Monk has allowed his, financially challenged, client to leave out. Let’s start with something I really should have spotted earlier which is highly material.
582 days ago
I realise that he has a jet setting champagne lifestyle to support and a luxury holiday home on the Cornish Riviera to maintain, but is there any client that Andrew Monk at VSA Capital will not act for? The rule breakers and insider dealers at Caracal Gold (GCAT)? Tick. The scallywags at Silverwood Brands (SLWD)? Tick. But coffee chain Cooks (COOK) which Monkey brought to Aquis last November now takes the biscuit. It has today served up results for the year to March 31 2023, so let’s look at VSA’s forecasts from an IPO just over four months before the year end. Prepare to be shocked.
653 days ago
I start with a warning that travel may interrupt play tomorrow as I am off to Greece overnight. Then I look at the tossers at Reabold Resources (RBD), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Cineworld (CINE), Versarien (VRS), VSA Capital (VSA) – where is the frigging lack of profits warning? And then one of the many disasters spawned by Andrew Monk’s VSA, that is to say Tungsten West (TUN).
658 days ago
But reader Magna Carta says that you all want me to stop mentioning what he terms my “hobby”. Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will be delighted that I think he can go feck himself, please do feel free to donate HERE. Nearly all of the podcast , as ever, is about companies and I cover: Inland Homes (INL), Moonpig (MOON), Caracal Gold (GCAT), VSA Capital (VSA) and its revenue recognition and the odd company that is Kelso (KLSO). PS did you know that Andrew Monk who runs, what he terms, Very Sexy Andrew, went to Oriel College Oxford? He does mention it now and again.
667 days ago
I end with a discussion about myself, Andrew Bell, his imaginary marathon running g/f and Cheryl - please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Before that I look at six piggies filling me with despair, are there no rules or basic morals at all any more: Braveheart (BRH), Nanoco (NANO), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), ScotGold (SGZ) and Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). Has Andrew told anyone today that he went to Oriel College Oxford?
670 days ago
The FCA and Aquis Regulation are already investigating this scandal and so, with a hat Tip to in-house BB genius PL, I post the question as to whether on two counts, VSA Capital’s (VSA) star client Silverwood Brands (SLWD) has twice breached the Companies Act. If it has, surely VSA’s CEO Andrew “have I mentioned that I went to Oriel College Oxford, Monk needs to issue a profits warning.
672 days ago
Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) is off on another jolly, this time in Dubai, and tweets today “Very easy to forget the worlds problems in this place – they really are in a completely different place!” Sadly for the graduate of Oriel College Oxford ( has he told us about his education yet today?) the problems for the insider dealers and fraudsters who run Caracal Gold (GCAT) – adviser VSA – just ratcheted up another three levels.
677 days ago
Not only does Andrew Monk and VSA Capital list shitcos on the Aquis Lobster Pot but VSA itself is listed on Aquis too. It listed at 21p on 9 September 2021. Its shares are 49% down so far this year and can now be sold for just 10p. But has the Monkey legged over investors with a misleading trading statement. I think the graduate of Oriel College Oxford (has he told us about his posh education yet today?) has and have written to Aquis Regulation suggesting it force VSA to clarify.
677 days ago
Shares in Aquis listed Silverwood Brands (SLWD) are almost untradeable. That did not stop pompous Andrew Monk boasting that his fees for Silverwood buying a stake in Lush from Silverwood’s directors for £216 million (in shares) would ensure that VSA would make a profit this year, having been loss making to the tune of almost a Bernie at the interim stage. Today there is another update from Silverwood showing what utter crap VSA has told investors.
696 days ago
A bottle of NZ Pinot Noir at £15? A fine choice sir to add to your collection but with clients like Caracal Gold (GCAT), still not paying outstanding fees of c£100,000 are you sure you can afford it? Oh, the FCA Enquiry into Caracal hotting up you say, the shares collapsing to just 0.225p, the Silverwood debacle a bit of a £1m pain: you need to drown your sorrows? I understand perfectly. To win nothing at all how, post your caption to respond to Andrew Monk’s latest crass ostentatious display of his wealth in these times of austerity, in the comments section below.
698 days ago
I start with half term trespassers of whom there seem to be many here in Wales. Then it is onto Verditek (VDTK) and why AIM Regulation’s failings matter, Audioboom (BOOM), Versarien (VRS), questions about revenue recognition at Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA) and finally Moonpig (MOON). The prize Versarien contest mentioned is HERE
698 days ago
I have commented HERE on the scandal of the £216 Lush blow up involving Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). That is the VSA which is happy to act for the crooked insider dealing market abusers at Caracal Gold (GCAT).as it finds itself under a full blown FCA Enquiry. So who better to lecture, in the tweet below, the ethical chaps at Lush on corporate ethics than Mr Monk? What next? Nadhim Zahawi lecturing us all on why we should pay more tax? Matt Hancock on the sanctity of marriage? David Moyes on how to manage a football club?
698 days ago
Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) has yet to come clean on whether anyone at his firm has been interviewed by the FCA as part of its formal enquiry into wholesale insider dealing , market abuse and investor deception at his client Caracal Gold (GCAT) but now there needs to be an enquiry into share dealing at Siverwood Brands (SLWD) and this time VSA is directly involved. This is the £216 million Lush blow up.
700 days ago
I am on the mend but very slowly and still in pain so a shorter than normal bearcast covering Home Reit (HOME), Tintra (TNT – target price 0p – and Caracal Gold (GCAT) also a zero despite today’s deceptive RNS with Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital’s name at the bottom. Now back to bed.
703 days ago
Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) has spent the past week sunning himself at the Indaba Mining conference in Zim South, attending cocktail reception after cocktail reception or, as he terms it, working. But now he is back and finds his prized client, Caracal Gold (GCAT), in the midst of a full scale FCA enquiry into insider dealing and market abuse. As the first scalp was announced today, I have dropped Andrew a note.
715 days ago
The FCA appears to be plodding on with its enquiry into Caracal Gold (GCAT) despite the company admitting to a litany of wrong doings including share trading by its CEO Robbie McCrae while sitting on price sensitive information (insider dealing to you and me) and massive breaches of the disclosure rules. This is an open and shut case and McCrae should be in prison. There are also questions for Andrew Monk of VSA Capital. I have sent another letter to the FCA which regulates ( no sniggering at the back) both the Standard List where Caracal’s shares are traded and also Mr Monk and VSA.
719 days ago
The adviser to disgraced and technically insolvent Caracal Gold (GCAT), Mr Andrew “the Monkey” Monk of VSA Capital has yet to reply to any of my letters about the insider dealing, undeclared share trades and pledges, undeclared death spiral and tardily declared failed fundings. But he should know that I write to assist him and that I am not on a fishing trip, just trying to assist my old friends at what the Monkey terms Very Sexy Andrew Capital. In that spirit of friendship I have written again, ccing in the fellows at the FCA who are investigating Caracal and its bent board.
720 days ago
St Brides Partners, the PR firm to disgraced Caracal Gold (GCAT) has today quit as an adviser with immediate effect. I am told that St Brides was not aware of the numerous rule breaches and insider dealing and did not draft yesterday’s nonsensical ‘fess up forced on the company by the FCA after recent revelations on this website. The next question is for Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA).
720 days ago
I have yet to hear from my old pal “Andrew “the Monkey” Monk as to when his client Caracal Gold (GCAT) is to announce via RNS the death spiral it took out on 27 June 2022 but has only admitted to in a small footnote buried in the annual report published in November. Monkey has also yet to respond to the issue of directors pledging shares and not disclosing it. So, I have sent another letter to Monkey about another issue.
720 days ago
I have today written to “the monkey” the boss of VSA Capital, advisors to Caracal Gold (GCAT) which has driven a coach and horses through the rule book of the Standard List. Does Monkey care? Does he think he has a reputation to lose by not caring? Or are those unpaid fees to VSA more important than salvaging what is left of its reputation? When will it fess? The letter to Monk is below
721 days ago
Yesterday I started what is likely to become a series on why Caracal Gold (GCAT) is a zero with shocking revelations HERE. There is more to come. But already there is clear evidence that Caracal has breached market rules in a most serious way not once but twice. Sanction against Caracal, its CEO Robbie McCrae and possibly its advisor and the main promoter of its shares, VSA Capital, is now clearly merited. I have written to the FCA which is the regulator, no sniggering at the back, of the Standard List where Caracal is quoted and also of Andrew Monk’s VSA.
792 days ago
Who said that for a small cap broker “delisting is inevitable. All are struggling to survive in a climate of scarce deals, low trading volumes, strong competition and rising costs” Okay it is a trick question but the answer is Andrew Monk of VSA Capital. The trick is that …
989 days ago
Aquis listed VSA Capital (VSA) makes its dosh floating and raising money for shitty little companies on AIM, the Sub Standard List and Aquis. The photo below, from yesterday, shows its staff preparing to party in the sun. So, with a prize of some worthless shares in star VSA float AIQ Limited (AIQ), let’s all play “spot the customer’s yachts.”
1586 days ago
700,000 folks have lost their jobs since the start of lockdown. And as furlough unwinds and as Boris plunges us, for no reason, into another lockdown there will be many more having to sign on. Among those folks who have kept their jobs many have seen pay ciuts. Just two sectors have seen pay rises: the public sector including the BBC (natch, as they are all frigging heroes) and banking and finance. Showing an honourable candour, Andrew Monk the boss of VSA Capital admits as much below.
2202 days ago
It has now been exactly a year and two days since VSA completed its “due diligence” on AIQ (AIQ) and brought this cash shell to the Standard List. And what a year of shame it has been.
2875 days ago
Just to please our own in house pet Bulletin Board Moron Wildes who is a big holder, I am delighted to publish a note from broker VSA out today initiating its coverage of LGO Energy (LGO) at 2.45p with a 22p price target. I kid you not. VSA is house broker so chuck in a pinch/bucket load of salt but 22p? I used to know a bloke called Edward Vaughan who was a bit bonkers. I do not think that it is the same Edward Vaughan who penned this note but whatever... in its full 16 page glory
2983 days ago
I was struck by a number of conversations I enjoyed during my trip to London this week with brokers on the sell side and also bucket shop investors - they are rushed off their feet. This is confirmed by the comment below from Andrew Monk of VSA and it tells you two things very clearly. Take heed, you have been warned.
3483 days ago
I have noted on a number of occasions that fully listed CIC Gold (CICG) where the largest shareholder is Stuart Bromley’s CIC Capital is a complete and utter bargepole stock and that VSA Capital should be thoroughly ashamed for bringing this POS to the market. And now for more evidence of why this is just not investment grade material – it’s the Bromley factor.