
2 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 2: will Pri0r1ty be the final downfall of the two fatties: Cornish & Lenigas

I muse on St Patrick's Day then look at Powerhouse (PHE), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Qinetiq (QQ) and defence stocks, Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Oncimmune (ONC) and its scandalous pre bankruptcy placing and, finally, Pri0r1ty (PR1).

362 days ago

Canadian Overseas, Now the planned JV falls apart: a great bet for bankruptcy in 2024

Well knock me down with a fucking feather. All that talk from the Bulletin Board pond life about how a massive oil company was going to JV with Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) at Cole’s Creek. Guess what?


611 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited trading update is er….limited, it's still a zero in waiting

Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) has served up a Q2 of calendar 2023 operations update with all the usual turd polishing and omissions you would expect from a company teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. Let’s start with output: an average of 1,250 boepd. That is a sharp rebound on the dire Q1 but…


650 days ago

When’s the next bailout placing at Voyager Life – spoof operational update

Chaired by Eric Boyle of disgraced Stanford Rook ( Stanford Crook to its pals), Voyager Life (VOY) has been a disaster for investors since its listing in June 2021 at 58p. I have managed to get the shares suspended once and exposed this red flags laden, rogue-run, POS more than once. If “old” Liam Murray at Cairn had any sense at all he would quit as its Aquis adviser. Instead we have another spoof RNS operational update designed to pump the shares, now just 11p to sell, ahead of the next bailout placing, needed within weeks to avoid bankruptcy.


773 days ago

David Beckham’s Naughty Guild Esports is hiding something from you all: a material uncertainty and looming bankruptcy perhaps?

Guild Esports (GILD) has today published piss poor annual results for the year to September 30 but it has not published the full notes to the accounts or the annual report and will not do so until later today and then only on its website. So what is it hiding? I suggest that its auditors may have flagged up a material uncertainty and that is what is being hidden. I have asked the company if this material omission from the results is what it is hiding but it has declined to comment. Here are the maths on how close Guild is to bankruptcy.


791 days ago

David Beckham’s Cellular Goods – Bixby & Edwards now panic selling ahead of bailout placing/merger with insolvent cash guzzler

Oh boy this is ugly. The CBD play backed by arch LGBTQ hypocrite David Beckham, Cellular Goods (CBX), is rapidly running out of cash and wants to merge with another CBD company with stiff liabilities and which is burning cash faster than star chef (LMFAO) Brooklyn Beckham can burn his cooking. So quite obviously a major fund raising is needed within months to stave off bankruptcy. However…..


852 days ago

Ben’s Creek – the stench of Adam Wilson, today’s very belated 'fess up does not bear scrutiny

I have always argued that promote Ben’s Creek (BEN) is uninvestable on the basis that its CEO Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy is a scallywag and also that its assets which sent the last owner into bankruptcy were piss poor.  Today comes news of a share transaction that stinks and an explanation that does not wash.


885 days ago

nanosynth – shares now just 0.3p, bankrupt by Christmas statement re past deceit and cash crisis needed now

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. The twice repeated lie that nanosynth (NNN) was raising £2.94 million via a Lanstead death spiral is unravelling at a speed of knots and that means that bankruptcy by Christmas is on the cards – a statement is needed PDQ.


898 days ago

Nanosynth shares sliding again – now off almost 1/3 since it told a £3 million lie 5 weeks ago - 10 weeks to bankruptcy?

On August 26th nanosynth (NNN) LIED to investors claiming it had done a deal which would see it “raise £2.9425 million”. That was a great big fat lie. It will raise nothing like that. Last week it doubled down repeating that lie in its interims and now, facing bankruptcy by Christmas it still refuses to come clean and its shares are tumbling again. Perhaps it is time to start telling the truth as lying sure is not working!


901 days ago

Guild eSports renegotiates £15m greedy David Beckham deal to pave way for rescue placing

The David Beckham deal with Guild eSports (GILD) always stank to high heaven as I pointed out at the time of the IPO while the deadwood press sucked the cock of the Beckham PR machine. On its IPO it raised £18 million but agreed that – irrespective of what sales it achieved – it would hand £15 million of that to Mr David Beckham in return for his work as a brand ambassador. Today, less than two years after that IPO at 5p, the deal has had to be scrapped in order to persuade investors to back a bailout fundraise to stave off bankruptcy.


903 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the awful forecasts and looming bankruptcy Bidstack is trying to hide

I start with the shameful behaviour of Bidstack (BIDS), a ramptastric RNS and an admission of new forecasts but not what they are. Guess what? They are shockingly bad, notwithstanding the ramptastic RNS, and admit that this company will be bankrupt by the first week of January unless it does a bailout placing. It took me an eternity to obtain the forecasts referenced in an RNS just about those very same numbers. Most morons have no idea how bad they are. I reveal all. I also cover Eve Sleep (EVE), Future (FUTR) and a £315 spoof at almost bankrupt Asimilar (ASLR).


939 days ago

BREAKING: Cineworld shares plunge 89% - it is preparing to file for bankruptcy

Two days ago it fessed to considering a debt for equity swap that would see shareholders almost wiped out. Today it could, as I warned,  be even worse than that.


1077 days ago

In less than three months: 1.57p, 1.24p, 0.86p, 0.77p and now just 0.59p – the Atlas death spiral pushes Vast Resources shares ever closer & ever faster to 0p

By the end of April worthless, deceitful and pointless AIM sewer listed Vast Resources (VAST) has promised to refinance its Atlas death spiral with a bunch of Swiss gents. But with $5.5 million outstanding on the loan and the market cap, at 0.625p, down to £2.3 million and with cash guzzling Vast having no cash at all so facing a high bankruptcy risk maybe the Swiss are getting cold feet. Hence…


1257 days ago

Breaking – Fantastist penny share huckster Chris Oil facing bankruptcy order from broker within two weeks: City source

If you wondered where the fantastist penny share spiv Chris Oil had got to, I fear that news from the man who lives with mummy and daddy in a fake castle does not seem good. I revealed that he was on the hook to his erstwhile pal Brokerman Dan Levi for £150,000 a year or so ago. Luckily for all the talk of shotguns and past villany, the reality is that Dan is too much of a nice guy for his own good and has yet to issue a formal statutory demand against Mr Oil which would lead to the fantasist being declared bankrupt. But 


1645 days ago

Amigo – how should shareholders vote?...

Lucian Miers: I wrote recently that I thought that Amigo Holdings (AMGOwas a prime candidate for bankruptcy by the year end. While I still think this is the case, I have closed my short for now as I expect a lot of volatility as this wonderfully entertaining soap opera reaches a crucial stage later this month…


1731 days ago

Breaking: After last week’s insider dealing and pulled placing Tomco placing again but broker Turner Pope not on the case

Shares in Tomco (TOM) have continued to race ahead even thought it is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy as those who broke insider dealing laws by forward selling last week’s placing, which had to be scrapped after it emerged the company had lied to investors, scuttled to buy back. That offers an opportunity and so I can reveal…


1917 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: hat tip to Jim Mellon & Henry Freeman gets a blast for his Godless nonsense

FFS it is not Season’s Greetings but Happy Christmas. Please do not wind me up with any more Godless messages. Thanks to Jim for flagging up what should be a parody, but sadly is not, Neil Woodford’s next business venmture. The I look at Bidstack (BIDS), NMC Health (NMC) and Circassia (CIR), two of which are surely good bets for bankruptcy in 2020. 


2358 days ago

Champion value destroyers Audioboom issue another dire warning dressed up in bullshit- bankruptcy looms

Oh dear, oh dear. At what point will those who have backed this crock of shit decide that it is not worth chucking any more cash down this black hole. I know that free speech denying boss Rob Proctor and his relatives on the payroll need jobs but but this company is just a disaster zone. As he wakes up for a meeting with Karma today, Proctor tries to polish the turd but today’s lack of profits/almost out of cash warning is his worst yet. And that takes some doing given his track record of abject operational failure and of consistent value destruction 


2500 days ago

Audioboom - Karma for Rob Proctor with his fecking cornflakes: RTO pulled, almost bankrupt

I cannot hide my pleasure at today's catastrophic news from Audioboom (BOOM). Media companies should believe in free speech - Rob Proctor's outfit buckled at once forcing me to move bearcast elsewhere. And now Proctor's company faces possible bankruptcy in four weeks time. Ha fucking ha. This is a shambles.


2778 days ago

Telit - any chance of an update on the BAMES 16m Euro criminal investigation in Italy?

You might have thought that the 1991 Boston Real Estate fraud was the only brush Telit Communications (TCM) boos Oozi Cats/ Uzi Katz had enjoyed with the law. Think again. Though there has been no RNS from Telit on the matter of the BAMES bankruptcy which saw 1400 Italians lose their jobs and a massive criminal investigation, perhaps it might give us an update now.


2915 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: Ouzo time as asset strippers crash & burn, MRS scandal and FastForward Joke

Next week may be disrupted by events in Warwick as I discuss at the end of this podcast but I shall be at UK Investor Show come what may and really hope you join me and 3,000 others there - book now for tickets to be sent on Monday HERE. In this podcast I look at Management Resource Solutions (MRS), why its RNS statements just do not add up at all and why I hope for bankruptcy. I also look at the latest news from FastForward (FFWD) which - if you do a bit of digging is a 100% rum and coke. Finally five years after certain folks turned down cash offers for Rivington assets preferring to asset strip them I bring you photos of a Master Investor show hall promising 5,000 attendees but in fact almost empty.  Photo one show c500 folks in the main hall, the stands at the same time are almost empty! Ouzo time for me, a cup of cold sick for the asset strippers. It is hard to resist the temptation to gloat and indeed I found it just too hard. It is ouzo O'clock.


2944 days ago

Slater & Gordon - if it was f**ked before it is now double f**ked: UK legal changes

Oh dear, oh dear. This is not going to make the debt for equity talks Slater & Gordon (SGH) is engaged in to stave off bankruptcy any easier. The Government has published proposals which will screw its UK personal claims business, effectively making it worthless.


3054 days ago

Vox Markets podcaster, Justin the Clown Andalas Caption Contest

In his infamous podcast with Dave "rule breaker " Whitby that got shares in Andalas (ADL) suspended, Justin the Clown fessed up that he owned so many of these shares that he'd be homeless if they did not go up. They have plunged from 1.3p back then to just 0.13p now and as the company hurtles towards bankruptcy worse is to come. As such we have an exclusive photo of Justin in his new home and invite you to supply suitable captions for it in the comments section below. Deadline midnight Sunday


3070 days ago

Exclusive: Worthington Shyster Allan Biggar facing homelessness as past business sins catch up with him

Oh dear, oh dear. Don't tell the bulletin board morons on the LSE Asylum but the house of cards that is the fraud Worthington (WRN) is now collapsing faster than you can say "golden ticket". Already facing personal bankruptcy proceedings as we revealed here, disgraced Allan Biggar now faces the loss of his marital home as we can reveal today.


3098 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Northern Petroleum: Argentine Unit heading for bankruptcy court - when was it going to tell investors?

And there was I thinking that if AIM listed companies had bad news they had to issue an RNS? Well maybe Chris Cleverley has re-drafted the rule book because Northern Petroleum (NOP) seems in no rush to fess up to the impending collapse of its Argentine subsidiary.


3114 days ago

The lapse of the Kiliwani option tells you Solo is right out of cash - placing ahoy!

Earlier this week Solo Oil (SOLO) announced quite startling news - that it was to lapse an option to buy an additional 1.25% stake in the Kiliwani gas field a deal first announced back in February of this year. This leaves Solo's stake at 7.125% but begs very serious questions of Neil Ritson's floundering company. Is bankruptcy looming and is Kiliwani not living up to the hype?


3119 days ago

Andalas: New Plans to monetise pie in the sky, its ramptastic news - placing ahoy!

AIM Rule breaker Dave Whitby of worthless crock of Turkish, Andalas Energy (ADL) is now officially on a ramptastic rampage as he works out how to get a bailout placing away before the New Year in order to stave off bankruptcy in the early part of 2017. Surely it is only a matter of time before he does another interview with Justin the Clown and gets the full ramping crew from Vox Markets and Big Gob's Momentous Events into action. After all, folks are only 90% down from buying into the ramp last time. What could possibly go wrong?


3182 days ago

Downfall video: Doug Ware of FRAUD Worthington reacts to news of Nuna bankruptcy

I did not create this but whoever did feels kind enough to get me and ouzo in here somewhere. As I explained earlier  HERE Worthington (WRN) is now toast as of Monday Morning and it is time to call in the rozzers.


3255 days ago

US Oil & Gas raises $771,000 - Good Money after bad

US Oil & Gas (USOP) has announced that 15% of its shareholders were not just thick but full lobotomy patients. You have to be a fecking imbecile to own this stock anyway but 15% of the FIs were so stupid they took up the open offer at 27p and thus bankruptcy is postponed.


3269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Servision you're shit and you know you are - placing ahoy (again)

Our coverage of Servision (SEV) has been full as you can see HERE - shares in this POS are slipping again and I explain why another bailout placing looms. But I explain all sorts of reasons why those crony capitalists involved may be very nervous indeed about assisting this company. If you are a shareholder you should sell ahead as a bailout means mega dilution, no bailout means bankruptcy and ultimately this company is worthless anyway.


3299 days ago

FastJet - Disastrous Trading Statement, bankruptcy looms

No wonder Sir Stelios wants wholesale boardroom change at FastJet (JFET) a disastrous trading statement today makes it clear that the current board has not got a scooby and that bankruptcy is very much on the cards.


3327 days ago

Eden Research and the Panama Pump fraud from Kenny Boy Brooks Towers exposed in full

I apologise to you all for allowing AIM Casino listed Eden Research (EDEN) off the hook when it engaged in a panama pump fraud with Terpenetech on 24 August 2015 to keep the lights on and stave off bankruptcy. I missed something - the killer evidence. Now lets go with the full story.

It starts with the creation of Terpenetech on 13 July 2011. You can see from its first annual return from July 2012 HERE that it was established by the late Clive Newitt (a director of Eden) but that he subsequently transferred all of his shares, 50% of them to White Alps Nominees.


3379 days ago

Christmas comes early - another Slater & Gordon profits warning - bankruptcy a cert for 2016

Thank you Santa for this early present. Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) have issued another profits warning with its UK businesses, notably those bought from Quenron (QPP), blamed. Bankruptcy in 2016 now looks a slam dunk cert.


3392 days ago

The aussie press turns on Slater & Gordon

Naturally my eye is initially drawn to the swimsuit special at the top of this fine Australian publication, the Herald Sun, which a reader has winged over to me. But no, apparently it is the lead seems that even the natives in the land where everyone is descended from a convict, are getting pissed off with Slater & Gordon (SHH) as it hurtles towards bankruptcy and a 0 cent target price.


3594 days ago

US Oil & Gas - so when is the report into your lies due? When is insolvency?

Once upon a time US Oil & Gas (USOP) was the darling of Bulletin Board loons. Okay it gotr booted off ISDX and had completely worthless assets but it huffed and puffed and its shares raced ahead on GXG markets. But as it teeters on the brink of insolvency surely it should update us all - if only to give us a good laugh - on how the regulatory enquiries into its numerous lies are going and on how close it is to bankruptcy.


3802 days ago

Gotham City Breaks Cover – says 45p target too high, Quindell behaving as if on verge of bankruptcy

Valiant corporate crusaders, brave seekers of truth and scourge of whitecollar crime, Gotham City has broken cover after months of silence. In the wake of Quenron’s (QPP) disastrous trading statement released today and Gotham does it mince its words. It has just posted two tweets in the past 90 minutes which read:

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