
251 days ago

By Zionists, the anti-semites infesting British campuses mean Jews

Even in today’s climate of overt hostility the bigots normally cannot quite bring themselves to demand that Jews get out, be cleansed from certain spaces. Some can, but most pretend that they are not engaged in Jew hating by calling for Zionists to be purged ,to be sent packing and their businesses boycotted. The picture below is from Birmingham University this week.


2417 days ago

Video: Campus hell in UK 2018: Far left bullies slate Jewish speaker as fascist as they try to shut down libertarian society at Kings London

I used to host events for, I think, the Kings College Libertarian Society when I owned a restaurant nearby. I am a libertarian and I also believe in free speech which means that all sides need to be allowed a platform, even those with whom you disagree.  But as I have found to my own cost in recent months, on campuses across the UK free speech is under real threat from the extreme left. And truth is the first casualty. Anyone with whom the left disagrees is "Alt Right" even though we libertarians clearly are not. But who cares? For some of those on the left it is now acceptable to tell lies to shut down those with whom you disagree. You would have thought that academic staff would fight such bullying to protect the integrity of academia. Sadly that is not always the case.. The video below tells the tale of the battle of King's College.  


2667 days ago

I am such a goddamn fucking feminist - loving life as a primary carer of Joshua

I never thought that I'd be revelling in changing nappies, watching a baby throw his food everywhere and all the other joys of motherhood n the months leading up to my 50th birthday but I am loving it. The Mrs is away for a few days "working" and returns to full time work in ten days, in as much as that is not a contradiction in terms in the public sector and especially on liberal arts campuses. And so, right now I am the sole carer for nine months old Joshua and in ten days time I will become the primary carer. I am such a fucking feminist - I am almost tempted to chuck in work altogether and then go for a divorce taking the Mrs to the cleaners saying that I had to quit my job to look after Joshua. Only kidding.
