
3063 days ago

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant blames Brexit for coup in Turkey - a twisted & ignorant liberal mind in action

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant, famed for posting pictures of himself in his Y Fronts on the internet touting for gay sex, knows why there was a coup in was all because of Brexit. It is a silly smear from a man who obviously does not know anything about history.


3449 days ago

Merkel tells Greek PM Tspiras to shut up, Trichet accuses Greece of blackmail, EU plots Greek coup – Time for Greece to tell the banksters to Fuck Off

The German Fuhrer Frau Merkel last night told Greek PM Alex Tsipras to “shut up.” Monsieur Trichet of the ECB accuses mighty Hellas of “blackmail”. And worst of all, leaders of the three main Greek opposition parties have been invited to Brussels for talks – a coup is being planned in the birthpace of democracy.

I would not have voted for Syriza, the flaky lefty coalition party headed by Tsipras but Greeks did. They rejected the two “old parties” of corruption and deceit, New Democracy and Pasok, the latter almost being entirely wiped out. The other party invited to take part in the coup is a flaky bunch of wishy washy non-entities, Potami.

It now seems very clear that if Greece defaults
