
1013 days ago

A mask fanatic friend writes to me … seriously you could not make this shite up

I have an old friend B who is a good man and not dumb at all but he is a complete mask fanatic and he could not wait this morning to send me a link to a news article about how, as of Tuesday, folks in England will get fined £200 for not wearing a face nappy in Asda. No face nappies are needed in JD Wetherspoon but Botswana covid does not drink so that is all right. Follow the science comrades. It gave my old friend B such pleasure to spread the news of more draconian laws, I was almost happy for him. But…


1362 days ago

Why is it that those on the left are natural mask fanatics - meet Miashadow7606

Wearing a mask will not save you from catching or spreading anything. Don’t trust me but trust the science your leaders and the media do their best to suppress. However, there are some right old zealots out there. Meet Miashadow7606.


1476 days ago

Meet a mask and lockdown fanatatic, don't bother debating facts, it's pointless, just play Covid Bingo

Yesterday, an old friend refused to consider that masks should not be compulsory for all. His thesis was, in part, based on the fact that someone he plays table tennis with had died of it. With such folks, or with the lockdown fanatics, there is no point mentioning Sweden, or pointing out hard data, or steering them towards authoratitive studies that challenge their narratives. Instead just sit back, let them rabbit on, and play Covid Bingo. Enjoy.
